Monday, August 26, 2024

A Little Late

One of the themes of the DNC was how bad people who "took more than they needed" are.   Yet for some reason they felt like the best people to deliver this message were...

P-BO and Michelle $70+ million

Jack Schlossberg, set to inherit around $100,000,000.

JB Pritzker, inherited around $3.6 billion.

Doug Emhoff, a slacker at only @$10,000,000.

 Oh, and the Clintons who've managed to accumulate $100,000,000+


How can you people stomach the hypocrisy?   

Trump inheriting money from his father is somehow bad, these folx inheriting money is somehow not bad. 


Marshal Art said...

And certainly exploiting their political positions to acquire great wealth isn't bad, either. Hypocrites.

Craig said...

Truman said that anyone who gets rich in public office is a crook. There's literally a fund that just mirrors Pelosi's trades. Call me crazy, but if wealth in general and inherited wealth is particular are negative things, then it seems inconsistent to only be critical of ones political enemies. Also hypocritical to put up a train of rich folx bitching about wealth inequality.

Marshal Art said...

Note the Obama's not providing us with that exact amount which constitutes "enough". Very convenient for them. It's like Bernie Sanders moving from speaking of millionaires to billionaires when his net worth rose over a million.

Craig said...

It's just more bullshit hypocrisy. Maybe we shouldn't pay attention to every little thing that comes out of their mouths.

Marshal Art said...

Actually, I'd say that exposing every lie is essential.

Craig said...

Interesting, so we should pay attention to every little thing that comes out of the mouths of DFL candidates, but not do the same for Trump.