Friday, August 23, 2024


 During an interview Simone Biles was asked about people who were most important to her and she talked about her parents and adoption.   For years we've heard Steph Curry talk about how his mother planned to abort him, but didn't.  Clearly they've benefited from their  mothers not ending their lives before birth.  

Yet strangely, both of these athletes choose to endorse and support candidates who support an extreme abortion agenda.   It is a mystery how two people so positively affected by not being aborted, can support unlimited, unrestricted abortion.   It's almost like they want to deny other black children the opportunities they had by not being killed in the womb.

There is an excellent chance that the next Simone Biles level gymnast or the next Steph Curry level basketball player will be aborted.     Statistics tell us that due to their "race" that there is a much higher chance.   As someone who was adopted, I want every child to have the opportunity to live and be adopted.   It's shocking to me that out country spends hundreds of millions to support abortion providers, and yet there appears to be little or no federal funding to support or encourage adoption.

The fact that so many rush to support abortion, while childless families wait for adoptable children or states restrict potential parents for political reasons, is absurd. 


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

They have to promote abortion so they can have irresponsible sex and be able to "get rid" of the inconvenient result,

Craig said...

I understand that reasoning for many, if not most abortion supporters. But in these two instances we find people who have benefited by not being aborted. People who should be pro-life poster children, yet they are literally supporting politicians that would have encouraged their parents to abort them. Much of my pro-life position is because of the fact that my mother could have chosen abortion, but didn't and instead allowed me to grow up with wonderful parents and family. I don't understand anyone who got that gift, who supports abortion.

Marshal Art said...

Of course every living person has been positively affected by not having been aborted, but I get your point. These two have achieved so much after their mothers chose against aborting them. But they're both young and stupid, influenced by leftist ideology most of their lives and through their college years.