Thursday, August 22, 2024


" The problem with this is that - leaving aside the largely undisputed fact that Trump did not know about J6 beforehand and there was no coup - the BLM riots were not a matter of justifiably angry people "looting stores." A mob literally set an active police station on fire with the officers inside. It burned to the ground. A small army took over the Capitol Hill district of Seattle, made it into a city state (a guy we invited on "CTB" was the war-lord), and killed 7 people at the borders. 30 people died across all of the fighting - David Dorn, the Rittenhouse gun-fight deaths, etc. $3,000,000,000.00 went up in flames. WE ALL KNOW that, had the RIGHT done this, all-time coverage would be at 30x J6 levels. The fake coup would be forgotten forever, the theme of "a near police massacre" never. ANY RIGHT WING SIN OR MISTAKE will be treated in this J6 fashion: comparisons to the Trump assassination or Congrssional baseball shooting, as well as to my examples, are very worth making. #just_sayin"




Marshal Art said...

The "progressives" ALWAYS downplay the seriousness of the offenses committee by their own. Indeed, they do all they can to justify them. But when it comes to a right-winger belching out loud, clearly a hell mouth has been opened. The left are liars. Period.

Craig said...

You're not wrong.