Wednesday, August 21, 2024

GA Admits Election Fraud, AZ Audit Results ALso Raise Concerns



 the official results of the Arizona Senate Audit of the 2020 election, • +255,000 early votes with no record • +23,000 voted by mail after moved from the state/county. • +23,000 double votes • +9,000 more mail in ballots received and recorded than official number of mail in ballots, • +50,000 counterfeit ballots


Marshal Art said...

Might have to adjust the format of the blog to squeeze in these pics. I had a similar problem once and don't think I've tried to post pics since. Something I need to study.

In the meantime, it's just more of what wasn't justly investigated four years ago.

Craig said...

Unfortunately, it's probably too late to completely fix before November.

Marshal Art said...

I agree. It's too close to election day for any significant corrections to be made when few have the testicles to go for it.

Craig said...

If nothing else, hopefully the poll watchers will know what to look for.