Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Last Night

 Lots of talk at the DNC about inequality and the evil rich.  But let's look at some of the houses those people live in and reconsider what they said.



 The DFL has been in charge of the country for 12 of the past 16 years, and the really expect people to believe that every bad thing going on right now was 100% Trump's fault?

Maureen Dowd is hardly a "right wing extremist", yet she's referring to the replacement of Biden with Harris as a "coup", is she really wrong?  

Last night, Andy Beshar (someone who Dan touted as a wonderful POTUS or VP replacement for Biden) said that we should  "love our neighbor as ourself".    Strangely enough, he then said this.

I'm not sure wishing rape on someone's daughter fits the "love your neighbor" ethos. 


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The evil of this man, all. because he wants abortion freely available instead of recommending people take responsibility for birth control

Dan Trabue said...

Um, from what I see in your link, Beshear said, "Let HIM go through this..." That is, literally, let VANCE get raped, become pregnant and have to make some choices. He literally said nothing about his daughter or anyone other than Vance, the fascist who laughs off becoming pregnant via rape as an "inconvenience..." You're attacking the wrong man.

Beshear is just giving Vance an object lesson on empathy and he, and all his defenders, failed miserably. Making up false claims about what Beshear said does not erase that Vance called a rape pregnancy, "inconvenient."

Can you not condemn the ACTUAL awful words there?

Craig said...

There's plenty of bad policies to go around.

Marshal Art said...

This dude does the typical infanticide thing, by presuming to suggest that the trauma a woman faces justifies the act of murdering the child which results from rape. THAT...despite the hollow concerns of "progressive" the extreme position. Compassion for the innocent child conceived during a rape is not at all extreme. It's Christian.

Craig said...

"That is, literally, let VANCE get raped, become pregnant and have to make some choices. He literally said nothing about his daughter or anyone other than Vance, the fascist who laughs off becoming pregnant via rape as an "inconvenience..." You're attacking the wrong man."

1. So suggesting that Vance be raped is somehow BETTER? Like that's how you show love for your neighbor?

2. I'm sorry that you think that Beshear is stupid enough to think that Vance could get pregnant.

3. Nice job trying to twist this. No matter how you spin, it's still the complete opposite of loving your neighbor.

"Beshear is just giving Vance an object lesson on empathy and he, and all his defenders, failed miserably. Making up false claims about what Beshear said does not erase that Vance called a rape pregnancy, "inconvenient.""

Interesting twist. Are you suggesting that "inconvenient" is not one accurate way to describe any unwanted pregnancy? Are you suggesting that an unwanted pregnancy is actually convenient? Are you suggesting that mere inconvenience is justification to end a human life? Are you really suggesting that loving your neighbor is to suggest that they or their daughters be raped and impregnated?

"Can you not condemn the ACTUAL awful words there?"

I could, but you'd just defend them.

Marshal Art said...

There are no awful words of Vance to condemn. There are plenty to condemn from Dan and his kind. I've not heard or read Vance's comments in their full context. But I think, given he's not a leftist asshole like Dan or Beshear, Vance is likely not referring to the rape itself as an inconvenience, but the pregnancy which might result. What kind of asshole raises his daughter to have such low regard for the life conceived from a rape? Is that how Dan raised his daughter? To believe that were she to be impregnated by a rapist that the child is not worthy of her compassion and care? This is what Dan, the alleged Christian, teaches his kids?

Certainly the rape itself is "inconvenient", to say the least. Who plans for such a thing? Who allows for it in their lives? But the pregnancy itself is an additional inconvenience, but one which the rape victim should regard as a secondary victim...not a "thing" to be destroyed.