Friday, August 16, 2024

Maybe I'm Crazy

 Maybe I'm crazy, but as I watch Harris campaign I can't help but wonder if she's aware that she's still vice president, and has been for over 3 years.   I wonder if she's forgotten that she was a senator from 2017-2021.   I wonder this because she seems unaware that she's played a role in how the US got into the condition she claims she wants to improve.    Why wait?   Why not push Biden into doing some of these wonderful policies now?   Why should anyone believe that she hasn't played a role, at least in supporting, the policies that got us where we are?   She's literally campaigning against herself. 


Marshal Art said...

As VP and president of the Senate, she's been the tie breaking vote on two major bills, at least one of which was responsible for rising prices of all sorts of goods and services.

Craig said...

You can't be thinking of the Inflation Reduction Act which, can you? How is it possible that they signed a bill to fix this problem, and it didn't work?

So far her campaign is primarily against the Biden/Harris economy and consists of simply aping Trump's proposals, or extreme socialist/communist inspired ideas that are prone to fail.

Marshal Art said...

Though I disagreed with Pence's decision regarding the counting of questionable Electoral ballots, he at least seemed to have acted out of a sense of principle which conflicted with his boss and a large segment of society. A stupid and cowardly understanding of his responsibility in that role, but it at least gave the appearance of principle.

Harris, on the other hand, had consciously voted for bills which led to misery. Was she forced against her will? I don't think so. Now she's trying to distance herself from her own policies as part of the Biden/Harris admin, wherein KJP insisted she was a full participant.

Gosh, I just don't know what to believe!

Craig said...

Harris, like many DFL politicians has a large portion of her constituency that simply believes everything that they are told as long as it comes from her. Critically thinking about the fact that Harris has been in the Senate and VP since 2017, and therefore bears significant responsibility for the conditions she's claiming to fix isn't on the agenda. You've seen the videos of liberal young adults answering questions that make them look like idiots. That's who they're counting on to win. They've locked up certain demographics with false promises for decades, and they'll keep dangling payoffs (loan forgiveness, down payment $$) so that the "kids" fall in line.