Wednesday, August 21, 2024

More Twitter Stuff

A quick note, I've got limited time this morning and am posting these as links to tweets so I don't have to hunt down the videos elsewhere.

It's refreshing to see CNN finally reach a point where they have to tell the Truth.


Marshal Art said...

1st vid: seeing a LOT of this. Don Lemon's man on the street interview shocked the hell out him, especially given most of the interviewees pushing Trump were minorities.

2nd vid: between the short viewings of my own, together with a massive amount of responses from a variety of sources, this guy could have spent an hour going through all the lies and distortions presented from that stage.

3rd vid: this guy's just a "progressive" moron. He has no clue. What he describes is not a "perfect" world by any sane person's definition. I think he's Dan's cousin.

Craig said...

Yeah, the level of black support for Harris isn't the same as it's historically been for DFL candidates. At least based on this kind of anecdotal evidence, and polling data. Folx like Dan don't want to admit that black folx aren't all as happy on the DFL plantation as they'd like to think.

Obviously there was plenty more to call out, but the fact that even this showed up on CNN is a sign that there actually is a point where they'll report the Truth. That the "good people" hoax still gets repeated by DFL candidates just shows the level of depravity they will sink to.

He's clearly a racist, idiot who'd like to impose his worldview on others, just like every other lefty. They just have to lie about things to hide their views.