Friday, August 23, 2024




Y'all must be so proud.  


Dan Trabue said...

Marshal Art said...

They're joyful, Craig. And fun!

Craig said...

It's not joyful when I have to fill my Jeep.

Craig said...


It's not wholly incorrect to point out the some drivers of inflation are beyond the direct control of the executive branch. Yet some policies (oil supply) are directly affected by policies of the executive branch and thus responsibility can be assigned. For example, the Biden spree of printing money and COVID giveaways was undoubtedly inflationary. The simple reality is that prices are what they are, and people have to spend more than they did pre Biden.

When I see you start to call out the Biden/Harris administration/campaigns for blaming Trump for things that aren't his responsibility I might take you seriously. This is par for the course with you. You'll blame the conservative for things over which they might not have direct control, while praising the liberal for the same things. The reality is that much of the inflation we're experiencing is driven by Biden policies, as well as by the Biden administration cooking the books on the employment numbers and adjusting the things used to measure inflation in order to make things seem better than they were.

So, once you retract all of the blame you put on Trump for the bad economy, maybe I'll take you a tiny bit more seriously.

Craig said...

"As president, I will grow our economy. And I'll lower the cost of everyday needs like healthcare, housing, and groceries."

Kamala Harris

If, as Dan's link seems to suggest, many/most of these things are beyond the control (certainly direct control) of the executive branch why does Harris lie about what she'll do? Why doesn't Dan call her out on these lies?

To be fair, part of the high healthcare costs are directly driven by the government and Harris theoretically could do some things to bring the costs down. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that anything she'll propose will actually lower costs. Of course her insane $25k down payment give away and capital gains tax will do more harm than tinkering with other stuff will do good.

Craig said...

It's strange, I watched some of the convention and I saw very little joy. Lies, bitterness, vitriol, anger, and envy, but very little joy.

It's almost as if they think that they can find strength through joy or something like that.

Anonymous said...

"I saw very little joy. Lies, bitterness, vitriol, anger, and envy, but very little joy."

Wow. The DNC convention? How'd you miss it?

It's funny how partisanship can hinder one's vision.


Anonymous said...

One of the great contrasts was between Stevie Wonder - ambassador of love, joy and positivity- for the DNC, vs Kid Rock for the GOP.

Wonder sang his Higher Ground...

"Lovers keep on lovin'
Believers keep on believin', um yeah
Sleepers just stop sleepin'
'Cause it won't be too long, oh, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm so darn glad He let me try it again
'Cause my last time on earth, I lived a whole world of sin
I'm so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on tryin'
'Til I reach my highest ground, whoo"

As contrasted with Kid's, American Bad Ass...

"They call me cowboy, I'm the singer in black
So throw a finger in the air and let me see where you're at...

F*** all, y'all!

...I'm an American bad ass, watch me kick
You can roll with rock or you can suck my d***
I'm a porno flick, I'm like Amazing grace
I'm gonna f*** some hoes after I rock this place..."


The GOP is making itself the party of vulgarity and loyalty to one man.

The DNC is positioning itself as the party of Joy and Unity and a nation bound together by higher ideals of love and kindness and finding common ground. Did you see all the GOP leaders on the DNC stage?

The contrast is jarring and I think the GOP will suffer for it.


Dan Trabue said...

once you retract all of the blame you put on Trump for the bad economy, maybe I'll take you a tiny bit more seriously.

Well, once you tell what blame I put on Trump for the bad economy, I could evaluate what I actually said. As I recall, I went out of my way NOT to blame Trump for Covid and the bad economy that resulted. Could he have handled it better? Perhaps, but we were in the middle of a lot of unknowns, so I haven't assigned much blame to Trump for Covid or the devastated economy and high unemployment that came in its wake.

Facts matter, friend.

Craig said...

"Wow. The DNC convention? How'd you miss it?"

It wasn't hard to miss the joy behind all of the lies, vitriol, and partisanship.

"It's funny how partisanship can hinder one's vision."

Every time you comment on politics, this is exactly what I think. It's amazing how your partisanship blinds you to anything that doesn't fit your partisan worldview, while simultaneously causing you to blindly accept anything from your side as gospel truth.

Craig said...

"The GOP is making itself the party of vulgarity and loyalty to one man."

The GOP is supporting it's current nominee, just like the DNC. As far as vulgarity, it's just a reflection of our post '60s society driven by leftist ideals. Yes, rap/hip hop IS a form of expression which is regularly vulgar, and violent. It's also extremely popular. At least the GOP didn't lie about Beyonce performing to drive up ratings.

"The DNC is positioning itself as the party of Joy and Unity and a nation bound together by higher ideals of love and kindness and finding common ground. Did you see all the GOP leaders on the DNC stage?"

Interesting that the party of "Joy and unity" has gone to such lengths to fix their primaries to exclude people like Bernie and RFK from participating. I saw no ideals and certainly not love and kindness to anyone not on board with the DNC message. I also didn't see or hear any substantive policy.

"The contrast is jarring and I think the GOP will suffer for it."

Since you think that the GOP will suffer for literally everything, this is hardly news. I think that the DFL will suffer for being all style and no substance, for having a VP who's lied about his resume for years and is on record as opposing free speech. I think the DNC will suffer, electorally, for the fiction that they bear no responsibility for the current state of the US despite having been in power 12 of the last 16 years and lying about the economy for a year.

Craig said...

"Well, once you tell what blame I put on Trump for the bad economy, I could evaluate what I actually said. As I recall, I went out of my way NOT to blame Trump for Covid and the bad economy that resulted."

Selective memory much?

"Could he have handled it better? Perhaps, but we were in the middle of a lot of unknowns, so I haven't assigned much blame to Trump for Covid or the devastated economy and high unemployment that came in its wake."

Just as an example, I believe that you've blamed Trump for leaving Biden with a recession. Yet, if one looks at the actual data, the small COVID recession was over before Trump left office and Biden inherited a rising economy.

Marshal Art said...

"The GOP is making itself the party of vulgarity and loyalty to one man."

Kid Rock aside, the GOP is making itself the party of loyalty to Constitutional principles and a more stark opponent to the Death Cult Party you favor which is anathema to those principles. The fraudulent "joy and unity" crap is just progressive lying to fool the stupid. With you it's working well. Rising costs, rising inflation, rising crime, rising numbers of illegal invaders, rising numbers of murdered children, rising threats from foreign enemies...where's the freaking joy for America in any of that?

Craig said...


While I don't disagree with you, I'd point out that Trump is a pretty vulgar dude. You can make the argument that the GOP needed someone like Trump to be a disrupter, and I'm sympathetic to that. But the reality is that the GOP currently is tied to a vulgar, candidate who is bringing some of that along with him. We can hope that, post Trump, that we'll see the ascendance of candidates who have some of Trump's positive qualities without Trump's negative qualities.

To be as fair as I can, this election is pitting vulgar against vapid. Personally, I'd prefer vulgar with better policies over vapid with bad (or no) policies.

I agree that their strength/joy thing is bullshit. It's Nero fiddling (and lying about Beyonce) while the US (metaphorically) burns. It's bread and circuses. It's Oprah yelling "You get a free 25k down payment. You get free citizenship." and the like. It's Harris cackling, with no substance. It's ignoring a devastating jobs correction in the middle of the DNC, which shows that they've been lying about the economy for a year. It's the only way they get big numbers at rallies is to have a free concert, or to lie about Beyonce and push aside James Taylor. They have little or nothing of substance to offer, but at least they're joyful in their vapidity.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You all can't even condemn the Kid Rock assault on decency and women. Even when it's pointed out, you don't even try to remove the vulgar, hate-filled bile-log from your eyes.


My conservative mother would have shut off the TV, sent the kids to bed and started writing letters and making phone calls to the FCC and GOP.

My, how conservatives have welcomed the sewer swamp into their ranks, unapologetically.

And you just can't see it.


Craig said...

"Wow. You all can't even condemn the Kid Rock assault on decency and women. Even when it's pointed out, you don't even try to remove the vulgar, hate-filled bile-log from your eyes."

What's "Amazing" is that you've decided that I need to "condemn" one particular artist for what you perceive as an "assault on decency and women" as if Rock is somehow unique in this. Apparently, unlike you and Walz, I believe that free speech is protected no matter whether I like the content or not. Why would I "condemn" Rock for his performance, while not "condemning" the majority of rap/hip hop artists? It's telling that your primary condemnation is of a musical act that performed one song, and that your primary boast is another musical artist. As if that somehow redeemed the lies, hatred, and vapidity of the rest of the DNC. The DNC is literally hiding Harris from interviews and press conferences, and you're worked up about a song from a has been rapper. An entire year of lying about employment numbers, but Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Kid Rock has your panties in a wad.

"My conservative mother would have shut off the TV, sent the kids to bed and started writing letters and making phone calls to the FCC and GOP."

Unfortunately society, culture, music, and art has changed considerably in the past 50 years and TV is full of all sorts of things much more that would have been inconceivable in the '70s. To single out one performance as if that one performance is so far out of step with society and culture is ridiculous. What's amusing is that the cultural shift toward increased vulgarity, obscenity, and coarseness was a direct result of the cultural changes that started in the '60s and have primarily come from those who identify as progressives.

"My, how conservatives have welcomed the sewer swamp into their ranks, unapologetically."

Again to single out "conservatives" as a whole because of one performance you found offensive is absurd and ridiculous. Rock is a creation of the culture, and of an arts and music scene that is primarily not conservative. To ignore the broader culture and it's acceptance of all sorts of trash (W.A.P anyone?) in order to attack one performance just demonstrates your blind partisanship. FYI, as disgusting and offensive as much of popular (hip hop/rap/hood/video game) culture is to me, it's protected free speech and I have the freedom to find my entertainment elsewhere. Just like you had the opportunity to turn the channel when Rock was performing, or to not search out his performance so as not to offend your tender sensibilities.

"And you just can't see it."

And you just can't or won't read. I absolutely agree that the GOP has followed popular culture down paths that I personally don't agree with. I've been in a running disagreement with Art over Trump's determination to try to appeal to the center-left by increasing his support of abortion. I've been clear for quite some time that I'd prefer someone other than Trump for the GOP candidate.

Unfortunately, until Trump goes away, we're stuck with him. Warts and all. At this point, I'll take a Trump presidency over a Harris presidency any day. The notion of joyfully watching the economy deteriorate for 4 years because Harris has no discernible policies she's advocating (just trial balloons with no details), beyond venerating abortion.

Trump's appeal was and is that he's combative. He'll fight back against his political opponents. A trait that has been lacking in GOP presidents since Regan. That willingness to fight back is appealing after decades of rolling over. The problem going forward is finding someone who has that tenacity and ability to fight back, without the vulgarity and crassness of Trump.

Craig said...

It's strange that the DFL definition of "unity" is to rig their primaries to exclude candidates they don't want (RFK, Bernie), grant or withhold secret service protection to candidates they don't like, and spew vitriol and lies against their political opponents.

I guess they do seek to find strength through joy, right Dan?

Dan Trabue said...

It's strange that the DFL definition of "unity" is to rig their primaries to exclude candidates they don't want (RFK, Bernie),

When exactly did Mitt Romney show up at the GOP convention? Liz Cheney? Any of the Bush family? What? They didn't appear at all?! How about Democrats, how many of them showed up to speak on behalf of Trump?

RFK is a strange conspiracy theorist. He has this thing for dead animal carcasses. He's outside of the norm of rational thinking (EVEN IF some of his policies are not bad, insofar as they go). The Democrats nor the GOP is beholden to have EVERYONE speak at their convention. Of course.

Nonetheless, the DNC was extremely inclusive, especially as compared to the conspiracy theorists demanding allegiance to your pervert prince.

As to Kid Rock, I don't care a thing about him or his perverted, awful, misogynistic songs. I don't follow him any more than I do rappers who use misogynistic language. That's on them. BUT, when they bring it to a party's CONVENTION, that's different.

Trump's GOP convention was hostile, belligerent and sexist/awful/ignorant. It certainly was not inclusive of other viewpoints. At all. In any way. As is contrasted by the DNC convention.

That you think it's no big deal that your pervert king had people singing about "f***ing h***s" and gladly shouting/screaming "F*** YOU ALL..." don't pretend to try to say you care about vulgarity.

There are lines that are too far that people simply shouldn't cross. That people who CROSS those lines should be rejected as deviant and dangerous. "Grab them by the p*****" "F*** some h***s" "F**** you all....!!!" These people are telling you who they are and who they are is not something that should happen in a respectful adult political process. That isn't cramping on free speech.

Your pervert prince and his pervert allies are FREE to be misogynistic, women-hating, vulgar deviants. BUT, no one is obliged to put up with their misogyny and hate.

Perhaps you misunderstand "free speech.."?

Marshal Art said...

If Trump is "vulgar", it's in the classical sense, not how the word is used today. Sure, like so very many, hot mikes can pick up stuff many wouldn't otherwise wish to be heard coming from their lips. Hillary Clinton is known for cussing like a sailor, throwing around f-bombs like they're free. A fellow recently reported on the experience of his son who worked in Harris' office while either DA or AG (don't recall which) in which it was reported she treats subordinates as poorly as did Hillary, with the same foul mouth. That is, "vulgar" in it's current and commonly understood meaning.

Trump is "vulgar" in that he's a regular of the common people...despite his wealth. I'll take him any day of the week over any of the Dems given the vulgarity of their many lies and destructive, self-serving policies. I much prefer one who insults in a very classy manner. Far more entertaining for me. But Trump's one of the guys and I'm not about to criticize him for the occasional crude remark, which while crude isn't personally offensive.

But I won't defend him anymore. He's clearly the man we need right now. Period. That's because his best qualities are the important qualities necessary to turn around the shit show haters have brought about by not voting for him in 2020. Those qualities mean far more than whatever insignificant crudeness so offends the most offensive Americans...the leftists.

Craig said...

"When exactly did Mitt Romney show up at the GOP convention? Liz Cheney? Any of the Bush family? What? They didn't appear at all?! How about Democrats, how many of them showed up to speak on behalf of Trump?"

I fail to see the relevance of these questions. Who cares? FYI the number of democrats endorsing Trump is growing. This has nothing to do with the data that shows how much worse the country is after 3.5 years of Biden/Harris.

"RFK is a strange conspiracy theorist. He has this thing for dead animal carcasses. He's outside of the norm of rational thinking (EVEN IF some of his policies are not bad, insofar as they go). The Democrats nor the GOP is beholden to have EVERYONE speak at their convention. Of course."

What the hell are you talking about? The DFL actively kept a freaking Kennedy out of the primaries, just like they kept Bernie from winning. Who cares about who speaks at the convention. It's about inhibiting the democratic process.

"As to Kid Rock, I don't care a thing about him or his perverted, awful, misogynistic songs. I don't follow him any more than I do rappers who use misogynistic language. That's on them. BUT, when they bring it to a party's CONVENTION, that's different."

Why? Is a party convention some sort of sacred, holy ground which is never profaned by allowing society in? Where people must be protected from popular culture? What an idiotic take.

"Trump's GOP convention was hostile, belligerent and sexist/awful/ignorant. It certainly was not inclusive of other viewpoints. At all. In any way. As is contrasted by the DNC convention."

The DNC was filled with lies, vitriol, and a complete lack of substance. But apparently there was strength from all the alleged joy.

"That you think it's no big deal that your pervert king had people singing about "f***ing h***s" and gladly shouting/screaming "F*** YOU ALL..." don't pretend to try to say you care about vulgarity."

I don't recall those specific lyrics being sung at the GOP convention. Maybe you've just made this up as you do with so much else.

"There are lines that are too far that people simply shouldn't cross. That people who CROSS those lines should be rejected as deviant and dangerous. "Grab them by the p*****" "F*** some h***s" "F**** you all....!!!" These people are telling you who they are and who they are is not something that should happen in a respectful adult political process. That isn't cramping on free speech."

Look, Dan and Walz want to restrict free speech, and lie about it.

"Your pervert prince and his pervert allies are FREE to be misogynistic, women-hating, vulgar deviants. BUT, no one is obliged to put up with their misogyny and hate."

This is quite the example of viotriol, perhaps you shouldn't be so judgemental, pharisiacal (sp?), and should show some more grace.

"Perhaps you misunderstand "free speech.."?"

It's unlikely, but within the realm of possibility. Fortunately, SCOTUS has been clear that offensive speech is protected. The fact that you don't like the culture created by progressive leftists, is really immaterial.

Craig said...

Yes, Trump is vulgar in the more classical definition. He's everything that people used to despise about the nouveau riche. He's boorish, base, amoral, and abrasive. Those aren't necessarily negatives, they're just reality. Part of his "problem" is that he isn't as public about some of his "softer" qualities. Stories abound of him doing thoughtful, generous things for people he meets, but he doesn't those privately and the don't balance out the rest.

Likewise we know that Hillary is an incredibly nasty person behind her public facade, and the Harris ran off 92% of her staff in 3 years as VP. We also know her staffs are earlier jobs were similarly terrorized. The point is that Trump is not an ideal candidate and to ignore his flaws is ridiculous. He's also the only candidate who can stop Harris.

I agree that Trump's "regular guy" vulgarity is preferable to Harris facade or Biden's incompetence. Again, it's not necessarily negative, but it is accurate.

As I've said a million, jillion, trillion times, for all Trump's flaws he's the candidate we have. As has been said in the past, "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you want.". He's it, and we have no choice but to support his candidacy. Which doesn't mean we ignore his mistakes and stupidity when they happen.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Nonetheless, the DNC was extremely inclusive,
INCLUSIVE?!?!?!? Demokrats hate those who have a different opinion of the LGBTQ+ agenda.

Dan continues calling Trump a pervert when he has not performed nor promoted any perversion while the whole Demokrat platform is based on every sexual perversion possible.

Craig said...


When Dan says inclusive, he really means that they exclude everyone except their favored minorities and especially everyone who doesn't believe that abortion should be unlimited and unrestricted.

Craig said...

Y'all see what Dan's done here. He made a good point about how much influence a president has on certain things. Then when I pointed out that Harris is campaigning on affecting the things Dan's article says presidents don't affect, he pivots to Kid Rock and how offensive he is.

The DNC lied about getting Beyonce (Imma guess Queen B has some offensive lyrics as well), to drive up ratings and Dan says nothing about the lie. DNC speakers lie about Trump and Project 2025, Dan stays silent about the lies. Kid Rock reflects a certain part of our culture (honestly black/hood/rap/hip hop culture) and Dan gets his panties in a wad.

Anonymous said...

The DNC lied about getting Beyonce (Imma guess Queen B has some offensive lyrics as well), to drive up ratings and Dan says nothing about the lie.

The only thing I heard from the DNC is "no comment." I never heard them say she's coming. But then, I listen and read the actual news, not tabloid and far right opinion pieces. Not saying it didn't happen, just reporting all I heard is either No or no comment.

That's not a lie.

DNC speakers lie about Trump and Project 2025, Dan stays silent about the lies. 

It's almost cute how you believe what the most dishonest president has to say. Cute, or maybe pathetic. I also heard the pervert say he "doesn't want to know" what they're doing. That would be just as troubling as if he actually had many (dozens?) of his people connected to it.

Glenn, saying he can get away with sexual assault IS deviant, harmful, abusive perversion. That, as opposed to two sweet grannies and Sunday School teachers getting married.

That's part of the problem with modern conservatives... y'all want to call gay or lesbian people committing in a wholesome marriage "perverse," but you are blind to the actual corruption and perversion of your pet sexual predator, under-aged girl abuser, powerful deviant using his wealth and privilege to get away with all manner of actual deviance. Trump has broken you. You've become a willing ally to your pervert king.


Craig said...

"The only thing I heard from the DNC is "no comment." I never heard them say she's coming."

Well, I've seen quotes from DNC officials who acknowledged that she was never coming and it was a ratings ploy. But I guess what you've seen is now the final arbiter of the Truth so...

The fact that you are reduced to bullshit claims that Trump is lying about Project 2025 because "he lies about everything" is amazing. It's a great tactic, for those who aren't interested in Truth, because you can just claim everything is a lie regardless.

The problem with progressives, or at least you, is that this is a post based on the actual data regarding the differences in costs between the Trump administration and the Biden/Harris administration, and you've changed the subject from the data to this bullshit.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Glenn, saying he can get away with sexual assault IS deviant, harmful, abusive perversion

Dan lies about me again. I NEVER said anyone can get away with sexual assault. Trump has never committed sexual assault that YOU or anyone else knows of. He made a statement about what he COULD do because he is rich, not that he ever would do. He was making a joke about what wealthy people could probably do and get away with.
No "mirage" between two people of the same sex is "wholesome," and homosexual behavior is definitive of the term "sexual perversion."
Dan has a perverse, demented, and very evil mind and ideology.

Craig said...


Note what Dan is doing. This post is about the hard data showing how much prices have increased due to Bidenomics. Which Harris also owns. Instead of disputing the unpleasant facts of Bidenomics, Dan has chosen to move the goalposts and bitch about various other things that offend him. I provided the proof of the Beyonce lie in another post, but Dan doesn't care because he hasn't "seen" adequate proof himself.

Beyond that, I've written multiple posts recently with all sorts of links to "real journalistic" sources that debunk his Harris narrative, but he hasn't commented there, nor at the other post showing the bad economic data between the Trump and Biden/Harris administrations. He's been silent on the DNC lies, silent on the Walz history of lying, silent on everything but bitching about how vulgar Kid Rock was.

I think we can learn something from his silence on matters where the data isn't his friend.