Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Saving Democracy, Updated

 “They have, unfortunately, turned us into a spoiler,” she said. “And we don’t want to be a spoiler. We wanted to win. We wanted a fair shot. The DNC made that impossible for us.”

 “After a hit piece nearly every day for months, after rigged primaries, rigged debates, rigged ballot access, rigged polling, Bobby is still front and center as a potential spoiler, a potential kingmaker, as the candidate who might force a contingent election or a wild card candidate who might just emerge as a centrist, common sense alternative candidate who comes out of nowhere and wins the whole thing,”


So, the party that is running a candidate who literally never got 2% of the votes in any primary elections (and those in the previous election cycle) and that has literally (for the second time) rigged the process to prevent a longtime democrat from even competing in the DFL primaries, is running to "save democracy".   

I don't think they quite understand the concept.  


It's looking like RFK will suspend his campaign on Friday and possibly endorse Trump.   Seems like it could be significant if he does. 


Marshal Art said...

It's the "progressive" way! Cancel. Delete. Marginalize. It's what they do. In their defense, they have no record or intelligible platform of ideas and thus they can't truly compete. Murdering infants and enabling sexual perversion will only get you so far. They parallel every authoritarian government in the world.

Craig said...

I agree. So far the DNC has been all about abortion, black folk, and lies about Trump. Not much of a platform.

Marshal Art said...

I have to say that I find it hard to believe the RFK could draw more from Trump's voters than from Biden/Harris. Who from the right could actually make the case RFK would do as well for the nation as did Trump? And that's even among those who don't think Trump was great? It doesn't make sense. Does Kennedy want lower tax rates and fewer regulations? Does he want to close the border?

Anyway, if his supporters move with him to ride the Trump Train, that's a good thing.

Dan Trabue said...

It's looking like RFK will suspend his campaign on Friday and possibly endorse Trump. Seems like it could be significant if he does.

Indeed, Professor Allan Lichtman (who has predicted all the recent elections correctly) has already said that Harris is in a good position to win. He's said that RFK dropping out adds to her chances.

So far the DNC has been all about abortion, black folk, and lies about Trump.

The majority of the nation want to preserve a woman's right to make her own choices about pregnancy issues.

Black folk ARE something to be concerned about and people to be supportive of. That the Democrats recognize this (even if they act on it imperfectly) is part of the reason that Harris will win a large majority of the black vote. That you raise it as if it's a concern is, well, concerning, and part of the reason black folks might not want to vote GOP.

You almost certainly can't point to any "lies" about Trump. And that you try to push that sort of nonsense, WITHOUT acknowledging Trump as the single most overtly dishonest president in our history is part of why you all are going to lose, too.

You can't put a cherry on top of a pile of shit and call it sweet potato pie.

Craig said...

Tell me you didn't read what I wrote, without saying that you didn't read what I wrote. I guess you're perfectly fine with how the DFL has treated RFK then.

The majority of the nation also wants to limit abortion. The majority of the nation doesn't have abortion as one of their top priorities. Harris might win a "large majority" of the "black vote", but it's likely that it will be a smaller "large percentage" than the 90%+ that previous DFL candidates have won. The majority of the nation realizes that black folk are a minority and that maybe some more diversity might be in order.

Lies about Trump at the DNC.

The "goog people on both sides" lie.
The "Trump wrote Project 2025" lie.
Jeffries' claim about Trump tax cuts.

To name a few.

Well you're right that this DNC is a pile of shit.

Craig said...

Michelle Obama lied about Trump taking away IVF. "Trump wants to take away the freedom to become a mother through IVF like I did.".

Trump has said publicly that he supports the availability of IVF.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The majority of the nation want to preserve a woman's right to make her own choices about pregnancy issues.

No one has ever interfered with this. A woman has the choice to have the partner or herself use birth control so as not to get pregnant, or to have sex w/o birth control if she wants to get pregnant.

“Black folk” have never been a concern of the Demokrats except to be used by them. It’s the Demokrats who started government programs to keep them in slums, unmarried with single parents, dumbed down in schools, etc. Demokrats got their start by supporting slavery and when they lost the Civil War the instituted crimes against the blacks, including organizing the KKK! And the LEFT still convinces the blacks the the Demokrats are better for them!!!!

the single most overtly dishonest president in our history is a toss-up between Biden, Johnson and FDR.

Craig said...


You are also correct. The problem Dan has is that he's conflating the notion that the majority of the nation supports abortion with some limits with the DNC/DFL position that abortion should be unlimited. It's one more bait/switch/Goalpost move on Dan's part.

I frequently hear "black folk" refer to the DFL as a "plantation", they're kept around by unfulfilled promises and occasional minor concessions thrown their way. The DFL has not been as good for blacks as the DFL would like people to think. Hell, in the DFL/Walz led state of MN 72% of black kids lack reading proficiency. It seems like reading is a prerequisite for meaningful employment.

Marshal Art said...

So, according to Dan, most people in this nation want the ability to murder their own children. What a horror such people are. What a scumbag Dan is to think that such a "right" is a good thing and what our country should enable. Apparently, this is the true face of "embracing grace"...the murder of one's own child.

There have been many lies about Trump, most of which Dan has either repeated himself or done nothing to correct. Dan lies about Trump grabbing women by the crotch. Dan says nothing every time Dems say Trump said there are "good nazis" or "all immigrants are animals".

But then, we're talking about Dan and Dems, for whom lies are essential in their quest to find favor among the stupid.

Craig said...

Based on surveys, I think it's safe to say that most Americans think that some abortion should be allowed. I don't think that's the same as actively supporting abortion, rather an acknowledgement that some might find it "necessary" under some circumstances.

The problem with Dan's statement is that it ignores the disconnect between whet polls tells us and what the DFL is trying to impose. If I remember right, I think most people support allowing abortion up to 12-16 weeks and the usual 3 exceptions. The DFL is pushing for unlimited abortions at any time up to birth, which is a much more extreme position than what the general public seems to accept.