Monday, December 7, 2015


"Many of the people I know who reject God or who have crafted a God that makes no demands on them have a fundamental problem with authority.  They don’t want anybody telling them what to do.
For a person who wants complete autonomy, who chafes at the thought of anyone having authority over them, a creator God who makes demands is way inconvenient.
Many people who believe in God, but also have this authority hang-up, create their own version of God.  This God gives them what they want when they want it.  He approves of everything they do, as long as they are just trying to be happy.  He encourages them to follow their desires, wherever they lead.  C. S. Lewis compared this God to a senile, old grandfather who never says “no” to his grandchildren.  You want chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?  No problem!
Is this the Christian God?  Philosopher Paul Moser answers the question:
It would be a strange, defective God who didn’t pose a serious cosmic authority problem for humans.  Part of the status of being God, after all, is that God has a unique authority, or lordship, over humans.  Since we humans aren’t God, the true God would have authority over us and would seek to correct our profoundly selfish ways.
If you are “worshiping” a God who makes no demands on you, you’re worshiping no God at all.  You’re just trying to find a deity to make you feel good about your selfish choices.  What’s the point?"

Thanks Wintery Knight


Dan Trabue said...
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Craig said...

"I'm sure we agree on that point, though."

I don't know about that but I'm sure we agree on the following.

1. Your commenting privileges are restricted in the absence of a unrestricted blame free apology on your part.

2. You continually asserting that we agree on things is presumptions and tedious.

3. You seem unwilling and/or unable to understand that your comments will be deleted due to your own unwillingness to demonstrate a bit of humility.

4. Off topic comments are annoying

Surely we agree on those, right?