Monday, January 9, 2017

P-BO and Clinton get bitten in the ass by 80's foreign policy

Back when P-BO was running against the (evil, rich, racist, killer) Romney, 'ol Mitt made a comment about how the Russians were the biggest foreign policy challenge we faced.   P-BO's response was something dismissive like "The 80's called and they want their foreign policy back.".

I guess maybe P-BO and his foreign policy apparat, should have paid a bit more attention to Mitt and not been quite so dismissive and patronizing.

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

As I said at my blog, this "outcry" over Russian attempts to hack into and influence our electoral process is nothing more than a desperate attempt to find a reason, other then their own failures, for Hillary's loss and Trump's victory.

Here's something else I find ironically sad and pathetic. The left when all spastic over Trump bragging that he could kill someone and his supporters would still support him. Tonight, Barry Obumble is in my city to speak to the worst examples of that type of supporter, those who still support the president who spent eight years making our nation worse than it was when he was sworn in.