Friday, October 23, 2020


 From Greg Boyd.

"Shelly and I have meticulously followed CDC guidelines from the start of this pandemic.  Yet, somehow I contracted the COVID virus!  Come on!  I feel like I got hit with a bus, but otherwise I'm doing fine.  It just goes to show that, when dealing with COVID, you can't be to careful."

While I know this is anecdotal, it almost seems like the message being sent is that COVID doesn't really respect the boundaries and barriers that are claimed to prevent it.   It's almost like some people are going to get it no matter how hard they try to protect themselves.   

I genuinely hope that Greg recovers and that the symptoms are on the mild side, and that his family doesn't get it from him.   I also hope that this provides an example to show people that the precautions may not be as effective as some politicians would like you to think.

FYI, I'm not some sort of conspiracy theory guy like some, nor do I deny the reality of COVID, I'm just a pretty normal person who doesn't think that it's necessary to shut down an economy, put people out of work, and ruin the livelihoods of business owners, because of a virus with a 99% plus survival rate.  


Marshal Art said...

Tru dat!

Craig said...

I’m not sure why, but clearly based on the number of comments I’m deleting and the prevalence of expletives in the first couple of lines, Dan’s groupie has his panties in a wad about something.

Marshal Art said...

He's truly a sad case.

Craig said...

Truly, the fact the he considers his comments of such worth that they must be read is amusing and pathetic.

If history is any indication then he’s likely posted them elsewhere, but if I wanted to read them, I’d do it here.

Marshal Art said...

He spreads them far and wide for sure. His ego demands it, while ignoring the fact they're ignored everywhere he posts them. I doubt even Dan reads them all.

Craig said...

If Dan read them and paid attention, he'd be morally obligated to delete the ones full of lies. Since Dan leaves the lies, I suspect that he's chosen to ignore the comments so he's got an excuse.

FYU, Boyd is getting better and his family has tested negative.

I do think that this indicates the validity of the bigger question regarding the effectiveness of mask wearing and distancing, given the increased numbers of positive tests.

Marshal Art said...

The number of positive tests means only that some trace of the virus was found. It has nothing to do with who is actually sick, showing symptoms, needs hospitalization, etc. The tests are said to be so sensitive as to detect the presence of dead virus particles, in which case such is added to the total of "positive" tests. It means nothing. It has no bearing on how bad the situation is as such a person is neither sick nor contagious.

Masks are ineffective for preventing the spread or contraction of the disease, as droplets are the least threatening form of transmission unless someone's sneezing continually in your face.

For most people, avoiding close contact with ANY sick person has been an extremely common practice since the notion of contagious transmission became known hundreds of years ago. There's no need for distancing mandates.

Too many examples which show mask, distancing and lock down mandates have no effect on the course of this or any virus. Sweden being among the most obvious.

Marshal Art said...

Of course, there's also the problem of false positives further corrupting the numbers.

Craig said...

I agree that we really don't have an accurate count on the actual number of infected and that it is likely higher than we currently think.