Friday, February 18, 2022

Damn racists


I'm simply going to point out that the sources of news shouldn't matter, if the news is reported accurately.  

If the information reported is accurate, then one must ask why other news outlets are not reporting it.


Marshal Art said...

Well, we know why other news sources don't report stories like these. It interferes with the fantasy that BLM is a noble bunch working to make the world a better place.

Dan Trabue said...

Haven't read the links yet. Just noting how right you are.

If The news is reported accurately.



If... That's the key point.

Also, IF they are an actual journalistic organization reporting using actual journalistic standards.


All those if questions are very important.

Dan Trabue said...

And yes, of course it matters what the source of the news is. If the KKK puts out a newspaper and reports stuff, I will be very wary of it and I will know that they are not an actual news organization but a propaganda organization.

Sources do matter.

If anyone is mostly reliant upon propaganda outfits over and against actual news organizations, that's a problem.

Dan Trabue said...

WND. That's so funny.

Dan Trabue said...

WND. That's so funny.

"If the information reported is accurate, then one must ask why other news outlets are not reporting it."

Perhaps the better question is, if your sources are all crackpot propaganda tools, why are you taking them seriously? Why would any rational person take them seriously?

Dan Trabue said...

So much odd, vague and questionable here.

1. You post a bunch of far right wacko "sources," as if they were news groups.
2. You title the post, "Damn racists," without indicating who the racists in question are and without even hinting at who you are speaking about.
3. And yet, since all your wacko sources are talking about BLM in some manner or the other, are you making the suggestion - with no evidence - that BLM is the "Damn racists..."?
4. Or, since you have these oddball outfits making these attack commentaries about BLM, are you suggesting that all these sources are the racists?
5. You can't find any legitimate news sources to support any of these gossip, slander and innuendo "sources," and that makes you wonder why the legitimate news groups aren't talking about these "stories," rather than making you wonder why anyone would take conspiracy sources as legitimate??

The one possible exception to your sources might be, which while right wing in its orientation, it's at least a bit more like an actual journalistic group. Well, a good bit more than the other "sources" you mention.

I'm just not sure what the point of this post is, other than maybe show that you get "stories" (as opposed to news) from a variety of non-journalistic sources.

Again, sources matter. Integrity matters.

Craig said...

5 comments, all bashing the sources, none that demonstrate that the reporting is wrong. What can be learned from that?

Marshal Art said...

"5 comments, all bashing the sources, none that demonstrate that the reporting is wrong. What can be learned from that? "

Nothing we didn't already know. To my knowledge, Dan has never provided any evidence that those he regards as "non-journalistic" or "illegitimate news sources" or "crackpot propaganda tools" actually merit those ad hom epithets. While I have no problem referring to his preferred sources as "heavily biased to the left", I actually address what they report as well as have provided actual evidence of their lack of journalistic integrity and honesty. So all that matters is, are the stories reported by these sources Dan criticizes true or false? That's the only "journalistic standard" which matters here. Maybe Dan the alleged journalism student can employ "journalistic standards" to determine which is true of these stories. Odds are he won't. Far too easy to simply pretend BLM is a noble group.

Craig said...

The problem is, as the old saying goes, "Even a blind pig finds an acorn occasionally.".

Even if the sources cites aren't up to Dan's level of acceptable journalism, the reality is that they've made provable claims. For example, either Amazon did or did not ban BLM from it's platform. That's a provable claim. But Dan doesn't demonstrate that the claim (or any of the claims)is false, he engages in an ad hom attack.

The question is (again), if the claims are accurate then why have the "legacy media" not reported this news? Of course the "legacy media" are still stuck on the falsehood that cops died on or because of the 1-6 protest.

Craig said...

What's interesting is that BLM is taking this more sriously than Dan is.

"“We have immediately engaged compliance counsel to address any issues related to state fundraising compliance,” the spokesperson said. “In the interim, we have shut down online fundraising as we work quickly to ensure we are meeting all compliance requirements.”

The group (BLM) shut down its fundraising one day after the Washington Examiner published a letter from California Attorney General Rob Bonta telling BLMGNF that it was prohibited from soliciting or disbursing funds because of its failure to submit an annual report for the 2020 tax year. In the letter, which was dated January 31, Bonta threatened to hold individual leaders personally liable for late fees.

Washington demanded BLM “immediately cease” all fundraising activities there on January 5.

BLM is literally admitting the truth of the accusations, yet Dan insists on ad hom attacks. Hell, it's CA and WA that are after them, not a bunch of red states. But Dan continues the blind defense of BLM.

Because, y'know, failing to follow things like tax laws and state regulations regarding charities aren't real crimes, they're just minor peccadilloes and hardly worth mentioning.

It's just easier to attack the messenger than to see if the message is True.

Craig said...

Ahhhhh Newsweek, that bastion of conservative thought weighs in.

Charity watch says that BLM is unratable because they don't meet either the "governance" or "transparency" benchmarks. No, BLM's lack of transparency and governance aren't anything to be concerned about.

What it looks like is people who are so enamored with the "theory" of BLM that they'll ignore the reality of the BLM organization.

This sort of failure to abide by the law has been going on since July of 2020. Of course the official press release from the NY AG is just more right wing propaganda.

"“Every organization that seeks to solicit donations from New Yorkers must follow state laws,” said Attorney General James. “We will also fight for transparency so that donors’ goodwill isn’t preyed upon by opportunists. The Black Lives Matter Foundation failed to register or file any financial documents with the state, and therefore has failed to provide New Yorkers with information on how their donations will be used. That’s why we are taking action by demanding that the foundation stop soliciting contributions from New Yorkers. I encourage all donors to practice due diligence when giving to charities.”

The Black Lives Matter Foundation is immediately required to:

Cease soliciting contributions or engaging in any other fundraising activities in New York;
Notify any third parties engaged in solicitation or fundraising activities on its behalf in New York that they must cease such activities, and
File all financial reports as required by law for each year the foundation engaged in charitable solicitation or other fundraising activity in New York."

Get that, "must follow state laws".

More right wing propaganda from fake news sources.

Damn, what it must take to shill for these folx.

Marshal Art said...

Craig...all that matters is that BLM has stated it is fighting for the black man. That's all they have to do is make that assertion. They're not required to prove they actually do that...though they have by burning cities and destroying black-owned businesses, because nothing says, "I'm for the black man" than to burn down/destroy a black man's business.

Craig said...


Absolutely. One of the articles I linked to talks about the families of some of the victims that BLM has exploited and the fact that BLM has done nothing to help them. It's all about making assertions, not about accomplishing anything. It's why lefties think that posting on social media is a brave act that actually accomplishes anything.