Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 For all the folks who've been insisting that we must submit to the "experts", and that continuing to engage in actions that have been unsuccessful (or not as successful as promised), must love what Black Face Treudeau is doing right now.

Unlike US politicians, who flaunt their ignoring of the mandates they demand that others follow, Black Face is going full on dictator.   He's invoked little used emergency powers to do things like freeze bank accounts, call out the military, and lord knows what else.  All to stamp out a peaceful protest.   I don't mean "mostly peaceful" like the 2020 summer of burning and looting,  I mean peaceful like two guys relaxing in hot tub.  

For anyone who says that the right is where the oppression is going to come from, maybe you should look in the news and see what's actually happening.

I know it's not over, but thank goodness the "winter of death" hasn't been worse down here in the US.   Or maybe it was just Biden trying to scare people into compliance. 


Marshal Art said...

The punk actually tries to pretend he's thinking of public safety. Like all other lefty morons in power, he's done more to harm business and the lives of Canadian citizens than these truckers have, and it would take a long time for them to catch up.

This action is like a sit-in. It's no worse than anything MLK or Ghandi had done, and while they, too, were breaking the law, there's far less to correct in this situation. All that need be done is to simply rescind all mandates related to covid. But lefty morons in power like to carry on with the lie that covid will spread like the Black Plague or the Andromeda Strain and kill everyone. It's hard to have absolute power if you can't convince people they're in danger. The people know there is no danger (except for a noisy and obnoxious small percentage of other morons).

Like lefty moron politicians in this country, Trudy caused the problem and now exacerbates it with his typical lefty fascism. He is now working to actually kill these people by denying them fuel for their trucks (which allows them to have heat), firewood, food and aid from the citizenry. This is why we have a 2nd Amendment.

Craig said...

What's great is the fact that the provinces are starting to lift COVID restrictions regardless of what Blackface does. Of course the left likes to warn people about oppression and the like, apparently they need to heed their own warnings. So far there is much more government oppression/restriction, banning of books etc, and the like coming from the left than from the right.

Marshal Art said...

It would be fun to see the restrictions lifted in all provinces while Trudy continues to act as if he's taking care of biz. While he drones on stupidly, the truckers disband because their concerns are addressed by lower governmental bodies. It would be classic.

Craig said...

Yes it would, although blackface would claim victory anyway.