Tuesday, March 29, 2022

I'm not sure this is a good thing.

 Kathy Griffin, the comedienne who thought beheading Trump was funny, had a strange post on Twitter today,

"4th booster f**kers.  Oh, and CVS gave us EIGHT free Covid tests for getting boosted"

Obviously she's unaware of the irony of needing "EIGHT" tests after your "4th" booster.     Beyond that is she really so stupid as to think that those tests were really "free"?   Or I wondered if she considered that the reason why they had "EIGHT" tests to give away is because the Biden administration produced more tests than were actually needed and they wanted to get rid of tests no one wanted?

One aspect of COVID that's been less discussed is the amount of money thrown at big pharma, with little or no oversight.  No one thinks it's strange when the CEO of Pfizer announces that more boosters are needed, even though it's a conflict of interest.  Clearly the treatments for COVID have been influenced by things other than the "science", we now know that Ivermectin and HCQ are good treatment options.  We now know that we can't trust the numbers that drove the reactions for two years.   But thank God that we have idiots like Griffin who'll uncritically spew propaganda that her followers will accept uncritically and rush to the CVS to get their "free" tests along with boosters #4,5,&6. 


Marshal Art said...

It's the way of the left. Truth isn't important. Only the narrative is. In some cases, such with miscreants like Griffin, I'm not sure it's not a mental problem.

Craig said...

Once the post moderns sold the "truth is relative" bill of goods to society, things like this just got easier to fob off on people.

Craig said...

My wife mentioned a chart going around that laid out how much $$$$$$ per patient was given to hospitals for COVID patients. If the information was accurate, it's clear that lots of hospitals were making bank, and had reasons to mis-report COVID patient numbers.

Marshal Art said...

This has been reported from the beginning. I recall those two Bakersfield CA doctors were putting forth that charge.