Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Where's the money?


Dan Trabue said...

1. If she's guilty, give her the treatment that Trump (the Trump "charity" and the Trump "school") should have received. Lock her up. Hold her accountable. Cheating - especially using a charity to cheat people out of money - is reprehensible.

2. If she does get arrested, it will still be another sign that black people get treated differently by the justice system.

3. The link in the article associates her with BLM. We should be clear: She's not with BLM. If the facts are right, she ripped off BLM.

Craig said...

Yet, you won't say anything critical abut here. Shocking. If she does get arrested it'll be because she committed a crime. Jussie just got out for "time served", for committing a hate crime. I guess being rich, popular, etc carries it's own privilege. I've seen multiple references to her being associated/leading BLM in Boston. I'll see if there's more information forthcoming/available.

Marshal Art said...

Seems the second link refers to her as a "foremost leader" of the BLM movement.

Scrolling down from that article, we find another about a BLM activist, a convicted pedophile I believe it said, accused of attacking a Trump supporter, because BLM's all about helping. Still haven't seen any stories of BLM helping any but themselves. I'm sure there must be one or two, right?