Friday, July 15, 2022

Will They Listen? I came across a couple of good pieces by left leaning writers for the Washington Post. While I'm dissapointed to see them figure this out, I do agree with their conclusions. It's interesting to see the polling that shows that many traditionally left leaning voting groups are starting to move away from blindly voting for the DFL, yet see folks on the left pretend that everything will be fine. I saw poll numbers that suggest that about 13% of Americans favor a virtual ban on all abortions, while about 13% of Americans favor unlited/unrestricted abortion up to and potentially past birth. Yet somehow the MSM and the left portary that 13% on one side as extremists and crazy, while advocating that the 13% on the other side are somehow in the mainstream. The fact the the headlines around this number will invariably read "87% of Americans favor abortion", instead of "87% of Americans oppose unlimikted/unrestricted abortion" should tell us something. As a conservative, I obviously want to see the DFL do poorly in the upcoming election. But, I then want to see conservatives actually get things done. It's not enough to win elections, we need to see results in terms of actual legislation. I realize that Biden is likely to veto anythng he gets from a GOP majority congress, and I'm fine with that. If we see a conservative majority in congress next January, then we should see Biden's desk flooded with bills for him to sign and veto. Force him to go on record and veto legislation. Set things up for the '24 presidential election by making Biden do something and actually have a ecord to run on. Fortunately, thanks to folks like Dan, I don't see the DFL changing their focus away from these fringe issues, because the true believers won't admit that these are fringe issues.


Marshal Art said...

You're absolutely correct, especially in hoping the GOP finally uses their majority (as is expected they'll achieve in'22) to get things done. This will mean fewer attempts to "compromise" on that for which no conservative worth his salt will ever pretend there is justification. Indeed, I would prefer they set aside any such policy proposal to focus on that for which they must never compromise yet get done for the benefit of all...such as closing the border, reversing all the economy destroying policies of Biden, making life harder for the Communist Chinese, etc. Things have moved way too far left in this country. We're far worse than merely listing to port and the ship needs to be righted A.S.A.P.

Craig said...

I'm not sure that compromise is always a bad thing. I think that if we look back at history, we see constructive compromise as the norm until very recently. Obviously there are things that shouldn't be compromised on, but part of legislating is the ability to craft compromises for the greater good. I completely agree that all of those things need to be addressed, but I'm also not going to suggest that there is only one right solution for the mechanics of accomplishing those goals. Call me crazy, but if something works and actually solves a problem, I don't really care what side it come from.

Having said all of that, if the GOP does get a majority in the fall, they damn well better legislate and do their jobs. No wasting time on partisan hearings, or impeaching Biden. Write specific bills designed to address specific problems, make them as simple and focused as possible, and get them passed. At this point the bar is so low based on recent congresses, that they can easily do better.

What I don't want to see is excuses, and inaction. If a GOP controlled congress can't get things done, then they don't deserve to win in the future. The DFL has lost me because of their platform and policy positions. The GOP is in the process of losing me because of their leftward drift, cowardice, and inability to accomplish anything. It's their responsibility to do things that are worthy of my vote, not my responsibility to continue to vote for inaction and excuses.

Marshal Art said...

I, too, am far more concerned with real solutions than with which side gets credit for them. I just don't see them coming from the left. I challenge any lefty to provide an example of a true solution to any problem, which likely is caused by them in the first place.

Yes, caused by them but too often helped by GOP weakness and capitulation. The notion of compromise is only a concept. The left is not trustworthy and there is no "compromise" to which the GOP should even agree without the left being required to fulfill their side of the bargain first within a specific time limit after which our initial ideas will go into effect without the mitigating effect of the failed compromise.

Frankly, I do believe there is usually one right solution that is more often than not quite apparent. Unfortunately, on too many issues, the left will not like those solutions because they result in exposing their corruption and strictly limiting their ability to carry on. Don't forget, we're dealing with a leftist party which is unique in it's moral corruption and mendacity. They're not your granddaddy's Democrat Party.

The reality is that most of the problems can be resolved by eliminating legislation which caused them, and as such writing new laws is not where the focus ought to be. We've just seen this in the SCOTUS rulings on Roe, guns and other things and those were no more than saying, "uh uh. That's bullshit and we're not doing it anymore". Too many think Congress has to legislate in order to be doing their job effectively. I don't want legislation for the sake of legislating.

I will always, based on all that's come to pass in my life, support the GOP over the Dems. There simply is no other choice even with the spinelessness of the GOP in the aggregate. But while we both want them to act to move the needle toward the nation envisioned by the founders and, hopefully, one which would please the Lord, we can't just sit back and hope the GOP acts. We must ride them like work horse and make sure they do the right things by constant personal involvement...letters, emails, phone calls, townhalls, etc. We, as a people, can no longer act as if our vote is the alpha and omega of our involvement. It's all supposed to be by our consent. We need to give it and withhold it as the situation dictates.