Monday, August 15, 2022

Just Curious

Is a black sociologist, college professor, who grew up in lower income, and who regularly cites peer reviewed studies regarding performance data of people of various races, an expert on the subject of "racism"? More properly, is this person an "expert" in the study of how race affects performance and whether or nont racism is a measurable factor in differences between racial groups on measurable performance metrics? Is "racism" and it's effects best measured by perfoemance differences between racial groups in the follwing areas? Graduation rates, proficiency on core academic requirements, socio economic status, literacy, etc. Are there other measurable metrics that should be added to that list, or any that should be removed from that list?

1 comment:

Craig said...

The answer to the first question is a simple yes or no. Anything else will be edited.

The answer to the second, is going to be a list of measurable metrics that should be added or subtracted from the list. Anything else will be edited.