Friday, August 26, 2022

Racism and the NFL

There has been a puch for quite some time to force NFL owners to hire more black head coaches, and front office people. So let's look at some numbers. Blacks represent between 13-14% of the US population. Therefore if things were equitable, black representation on the NFL would be roughly that of their representation on the population at large. All numbers from 2020. Total % of NFL players that are black, 70. Total % of assistant coaches that are black, 29.6. Total % of head coaches that are black, 9.4. Total number of off field staff that are black, 7.4 average of several categories. Total number of kickers and punters who are black, 0.00. Eventually the 29.6% of assistant coaches will likely grow, and lead to the number of black head coaches growing. But the total silence on the kicker/punter situation is outrageous.

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

The woke crowd is willing to destroy everything...from our favorite pastimes, like professional football, to our military tasked with one sole purpose: the defense of our nation and it's people against enemies foreign and domestic. All to appease the worst of us as if the worst of us is due such consideration. They are not.