Wednesday, August 23, 2023


For years we've been told that two things that seem contradictory.   

1.  That all politicians lie, and that it's simply an accepted part of political discourse in the US.

2.  That some lies are disqualifying.

 It's been said that "stupid lies" are disqualifying in some politicians.   If this is actually the case, then wouldn't telling a "stupid lie" once,  having the "stupid lie" exposed for the "stupid lie" that it is, then continuing to tell the same "stupid" debunked lie over and over again for years be extremely disqualifying?

I could be wrong, but at least telling a bunch of different "stupid" lies and coming up with new material occasionally at least shows some degree of self awareness and creativity.  While recycling the same "stupid lie"s that have been debunked for years seems to demonstrate a lack of self awareness and a sense of arrogance that seem problematic.    It could be argued that for some, that they don't have the mental capacity to accurately remember things that happened in the past and that repeating these same old "stupid lies", is actually a sign of "forgetfulness" (read dementia?).    But wouldn't the inability to be unable to control your repeated telling of the same old debunked "stupid lie"s be disqualifying in and of itself?   

Perhaps there is a bit of log/splinter or pot/kettle in our political discourse. 


Marshal Art said...

And they really are "stupidly false" lies, aren't they?

Craig said...

Yes, they are. I mean, I agree that when politicians tell lies about things that everyone knows are lies or are so far from the realm of reality, they end up looking stupid, and/or like the rules don't apply to them. The problem with Biden's is that they're so banal, and have so frequently been demonstrated to be lies.

The other obvious concern is that he's not lying, but simply doesn't have the mental faculties to know what is True of what isn't.

Craig said...
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Craig said...

"So, you've moved the conversation from one post to this post. Would you want me to respond to this here, or in the other post?"

No, just got tunnel vision and didn't change the post I was commenting on to the correct post. But it's fixed now.

Craig said...
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