Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 I went to see Sound of Freedom last night and it was definitely a compelling story of a brave man willing to put himself at great risk in order to save innocent children.  

I'm going to start by simply saying that I, personally, would find it difficult to arrest one of these vile, evil people without some level of physical harm occurring.  These animals deserve any and every horrible thing that might happen to them in prison.  

Beyond that, I left with two thoughts.

1.   There are a lot of people (rich by global standards, free, while, generally left wing) who invest huge amounts of time and energy bemoaning the fact that slavery was something that happened in the US.    Now, they don't bemoan ALL of the slavery that happened on the landmass that became the US, they only focus on some of the slavery.    They further focus primarily on one slave economy (I know this is an inadequate descriptor) which ended with a horrible war.   Meanwhile we know that slavery is more prevalent than ever in 2023 than it's ever been and we know that slavery has existed in virtually every society in the history of the world.   I sometimes wonder if we put even a percentage of the effort into actually stopping current slavery, that we do in focusing on past slavery, if we'd be better off.     

In no way am I suggesting that slavery in the US not be taught, or that it be taught inaccurately.  

2.  As I watched the story of a man who was apparently successful at his job of tracking and arresting pedophiles and who chose to try to rescues some of the victims at great cost and risk to himself and his family, I couldn't help but wonder...

Is there something that I feel so strongly about that I would put myself at risk of death to pursue?   Would I engage in actions of great risk solely to benefit people I didn't know, and who I had no responsibility for?  

I'm pretty confident that I would put myself at great risk for my family, and close friends.   I'm not so sure I would do so for complete strangers.   I can't help but wonder whether or not the folks who get so incredibly worked up over some past slavery, would risk their lives and livelihoods to stop present day slavery.  

On second thought, I probably do know the answer.   The answer is that if people were willing to engage in dangerous cations to save modern day slaves, they'd likely already be doing it. 

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

I really want to see that film. I don't think I can get the Mrs to go to a theater anymore, which is sad because it was a staple among date-night options for so long. We loved going before COVID f'd up the whole concept. Where we now live, we went to the local theater once and their basic "protocols" were confusing, even with Covid not seeming to be a mitigating factor. Their methods simply confused the hell out of us, and we've not again tried to see a flick. I love going to the movies. I miss it. I don't need to see this one in a theater, but there's not much out there I'd like to see aside from this one, so I'd spend the cash and get me some Milk Duds for it.