Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Last Post for a Few Days



I have no idea what the rest of the book says, but I have to say that he's not wrong about this.

When the MSM does finally get the story right...

Likewise, it's refreshing to see a couple of democrat legislators willing to buck their party in search of the Truth.

Harris has been using the story of a GA woman who died from poor medical care after she had a chemically induced abortion to push the narrative that the repeal of Roe caused this.   Instead of pointing out that this is what happens when abortionists fail to give their patients proper follow up care.  


Anonymous said...

"God's number one priority is his glory and the advancement of His kingdom..."

What a petty and vainglorious and pathetically impotent notion of "god." What a tiny little "god" that author speaks of.

My God is not an egotistical megalomaniac who is only concerned with "god's self." My God is bigger than that.

My God came to earth in frail human flesh to preach good news to the poor and marginalized, those he hung around and ate with and sided with... even when the religious legalists found that threatening and dangerous and began to try to find a way to kill him... still he sided with the poor and marginalized, NOT because "god" needs to find ways to pump "god" up and make "god" feel idolized and adored, but because God almighty is a God of love, demonstrating that great love by siding with the poor and marginalized and "the least of us..." because God IS love.

Not some pathetic little egomaniac, needy and weak.

That's my problem with that person's personal opinion - it's demeaning to the notion of an almighty perfectly loving God.


Craig said...

I'm not going to post the comment, because (other than Dan and Art I don't post unknown/anonymous comments), but some unknown person insists that Harris will be our next president. Now, as someone who is absolutely confident that YHWH is 100% in control of everything that happens, I have no fear of a Harris presidency. I'm confident that it'll be a shit show and that after one term she'll be a Carteresque footnote to the list of presidents. Although, I suspect that her post presidency won't be focused on anything but increasing that size of her bank account, as opposed to Carter. All I can do is vote, encourage others to vote, and work for secure elections. I'll note that currently there is plenty of polling that suggests that Harris is not going to win, and evidence that the Harris campaign is not a well oiled machine. We'll see what happens and how the "losing" sides react.

I suspect that if Trump wins, the outcry is going to make J6 look like a Sunday School picnic.

Craig said...

Those who think that Harris' use of a story to advance her pro abortion agenda, which is fundamentally false is an example of how to campaign, would seem to be misguided.

Marshal Art said...

I believe you're getting visits from the same troll I've been "enjoying". I don't know if it's Dan's troll or another, but with both, I now simply delete without comment. They're just looking for attention, not real discourse.