Wednesday, September 11, 2024

More Debate Stuff

MN and 7 other states/DC currently have laws that allow abortion up to the moment of birth, and we're seeing laws requiring lifesaving care for infants born alive after attempted abortions weakened or eliminated.    Honestly, the default position of a Dr with a living, breathing, born infant (no matter if they f'ed up the abortion or not) should be to save the child.   Anything less seems like a return to the Roman empire.

Scroll down to the embedded video.

It sounds barbaric to give a living human being pain medication so that they can be dismembered painlessly, but here we are.


More from this parade of idiots.  I still want to watch the whole video.

This appears to be the entire video. 


Marshal Art said...

Stuckey...always good and she nails her point really well.

Totally abhor the notion of anesthetizing a person in order to feign "humane" while murdering them.

Regarding the last two links, I haven't gotten really far with the longer one, hearing only part of the first kid in opposition to the "college is a scam" premise. But the first of the two highlights one particular kid I'd love to slap (actually there was another, but I'm loathe to slap girls). He thinks debate is to not let the other person talk. One can't lose a debate if denied the ability to answer questions posed.

Craig said...

Yeah, she's really good. Likewise, acknowledging that they need to anesthetize the baby before they do the abortion so the baby doesn't feel pain is telling when compared to the narrative.

I haven't watched the entire video, but the lack of ability of these kids to actually debate and their willingness to spew out bullshit whether it's True or not is disheartening.

Marshal Art said...

I began watching the full video of Charlie Kirk and those woke kids, but I didn't see a full explanation of the rules of the game. It appears that when they're holding up those flags, it's to vote off the kid debating because the kid's not getting anywhere. Otherwise, it seems they go the full distance. There was someone off camera who was speaking and I think it's like a sideline judge calling fouls which ends the opportunity for the kid. That boy I referenced above might be engaging as he does because of the time limit, but he could just be a jerk...which I believe is most likely. I've dealt with people who debate like that.

Craig said...

I didn't see enumerated rules, but it looked like there was a timer that ended each student's time if they didn't get voted off the island. Once there were 11 flags raised the speaker had to yield. What I found interesting is that these kids thought they could actually argue these topics with zero facts.