Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thanks WK!



More data to be ignored and sacrificed on the altar of a Narrative.  


Anonymous said...

And so, for the roughly 20% of children who don't grow out of it, will you support them as adults making their own decisions about who they are?


Craig said...

"And so, for the roughly 20% of children who don't grow out of it, will you support them as adults making their own decisions about who they are?"

I guess that would depend on what you mean by "support"?

Does that mean that you'll follow the data and stop supporting engaging in irreversible medical procedures on the 80-90% of "trans" kids who will grow out of it?

If you even bothered to pay attention to what I've written multiple times in the past, you'd already know the answer to your idiotic question.

When will you follow the data on this issue and stop advocating for children to be irreversibly altered due to a temporary state of mind?

One thing I learned through study about mental health and suicide is the notion that seeking a permanent solution to a temporary problem is a bad idea. Maybe it'd be a good guiding principle in this case as well.

Marshal Art said...

Why would any rational, honest and intelligent person support the irrational who would act irrationally to serve their irrational compulsions? How does that reflect well on anyone who would support irrational behaviors? Those 20% who grow into adulthood and seek to appease their irrational compulsions are not served by support from rational, honest and intelligent...not to mention, "moral"...people. Appeasing mental disorder is not being "supportive" of the disordered.

Craig said...


As I pointed out, and Dan ran away from answering, it depends on what "support" means. Personally, I "support" people's right to do stupid things to themselves as long as their choices only affect themselves, and they don't expect me to pay for their choices. If someone can afford to have perfectly functioning body parts hacked off because they believe that they are a pirate, or a woman, why should I care if they want to give in to their delusions. As long as I don't have to pretend, who cares. Just like I have no problem with someone who chooses to drink or drug themselves into oblivion. As long as they don't expect me to help or pay for their choices, then they are free to be as stupid as they want.

I don't want to speak for Dan, but I expect that his version of "support" is a little more intrusive than mine. We may never know because he's chosen not to elaborate.

We'll also likely never know is he will follow the data and stop advocating for the permanent alteration of children based on their own, or their parents, delusions.

Marshal Art said...

Dan's pro perv. I think he's made that crystal clear.