Friday, May 10, 2024

Bad Comprehension or Lying?


 "Biden in 2019: “The idea that we would cut off military aid to Israel, our only true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. It is beyond my comprehension that anyone would do that.”

So, in 2024 Biden is doing what he said was beyond his "comprehension" in 2019. The problem is that it's entirely likely that he's unable to comprehend any of this and is unaware that he's contradicting himself. It's also likely that he's convinced that he has to win MI in '24 and is willing to do or say anything to appease Muslim voters there. It's also likely that he was simply lying during this interview.


Marshal Art said...

This could be an example of what you suggest is likely with Trump: saying whatever necessary to gain support.

Despite the possibility that he meant what he said the first time, that he doesn't realize his current extortion doesn't contradict it is hard to believe given how blatantly contradictory it is. But then, we're talking about Joe Biden.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Of course he was lying in that interview. If he opens his mouth it's a lie.

He has proven his fondness for Islam too often, and if you love Islam you can't love Israel.

Craig said...

Who knows what this is, but I can't discount the possibility of serious cognitive disorder. It's almost certainly pandering to someone.

Marshal Art said...

Aside from the utter contradiction of the first clip, the mere fact that he would withhold already approved weaponry to force Israel to act as he'd prefer they do ("allegedly" prefer) is contemptible. And from what I've heard, the weapons being held out like a carrot on a stick are precision weapons which would reduce the potential for the collateral damage about whom Israel gives too much concern, give who those "collaterals" are. You want the "innocent" civilians protected? Give Israel the damn weapons they were promised!

Craig said...

Unfortunately, it's not the first time the US has done this to Israel, and it probably won't be the last. What's likely to happen is that Biden will quietly reverse this decision in a week or two and hope that no one reports on it. He clearly wants to have things both ways. He wants to "support" Israel, but also wants the electoral votes in the New Islamic Caliphate of Michigan. He hopes that people are too stupid or too unaware and won't see the reversal when it happens.

No matter, the chutzpah to override an action approved by congress should be getting more attention.

Marshal Art said...

Not enough pay attention to give attention to it. That's part of the problem with the current state of the nation. As to those who do, how many of them are complicit in this growing anti-Israel/anti-semitism to call attention to it?

Craig said...

Antisemitism on the left will never have the attention called to it that is deserved.