Friday, May 24, 2024

I Suspect MSNBC Wishes This Hadn't Happened

  It's interesting how MSNBC characterizes this piece around Trump's "demonizing" of immigrants at a campaign rally, when the news really is how many legal immigrants and African American at the rally agree with Trump.  

Given the heavy reliance of the DFL based on their assuming that 90% of the black vote is theirs automatically,  I can't help but think that this is one more sign that they've finally gone too far for many minority voters.  

Am I predicting a mass swing in the black/minority vote, no.   But if Trump can move the number fro 90-95% DFL to even 60-40 GOP that would likely have a disproportionate effect in urban areas that the DFL counts on for lots of votes.   


Marshal Art said...

I've seen percentages of black vote necessary to cause real problems for Dems should they leave, and the number doesn't seem all that small in the grand scheme of things. By all accounts, we're nearing that percentage with both blacks and hispanics. I wonder what it looks like regarding so-called "independents".

Craig said...

Obviously, responses to polls are one thing and actual votes are another. Having said that, the amount of vocal minority voters openly saying that they're out on Biden doesn't bode well. Nor does Trump's ability to draw huge numbers to a rally in the Bronx.

Marshal Art said...

It's a great point to look at all those Dem voters who stated publicly their opposition to Biden. As with polling, saying so doesn't mean as much as actually voting for Trump or not at all rather than for Biden. And another question is what they might do should Biden be rejected by the party at their Convention. How would that alter their current insistence that Trump is better? Is it just Biden they oppose at present, or the Dem Party? Hopefully, it's the latter and Biden's presidency just made too obvious to explain away.

Craig said...

The only poll that matters is in November, anything else isn't worth much.

If the DFL comes to it's senses and gets rid of Biden it comes down to who replaces him. It's possible that they could get these voters back with the right candidate. Although, most of what I'm hearing sounds like active support for Trump, rather than lack of support for Biden.

Who knows, I'm taking comfort in knowing that the door is open to breaking the DFL stranglehold on LBJ's "n#####s" and that the stranglehold won't last LBJ's 200 years.