Wednesday, May 22, 2024

More Randomness


AOC is an absolute moron.  She's going to milk her stint on congress as long as she can and for as much money as possible.   Hopefully someone will run a slightly less unhinged candidate and spare the rest of of from the idiocy.

Maybe stuff like Fauci walking through black neighborhoods, lying to people about the jab and applying pressure to the residents, is why Biden's support from black voters appears to be shrinking.

$42,412/per pupil per year and this is what they achieve.  3% of students are proficient in math, and 5% in reading.  Kind of makes you wonder how 70% of these students graduate. 


Marshal Art said...

1. The most incredible aspect is that, like Dan, AOC speaks as if she is really on top of an issue....really understands if her response is profound. Like Dan, she assumes a most unjustified, arrogant condescending tone in expressing her abject stupidity. As is the case of so many Dem politicians...and I could easily name two dozen or stupid are those who elected them? Imagine how stupid they are!!! They're like Dan on steroids to increase their stupidity!

2. I saw this Fauci piece some time ago. That one dude basically telling him to piss off was awesome. The logic he expressed was pure common man intelligence. I love that guy.

3. It's amazing these sad stats are tolerated by anybody connected to the situation, be they the schools, the teachers and most importantly the parents. And the kids themselves? How could they be cool not knowing basic math, reading and science? It's like their ambition is to be progressives.

Craig said...

That's an excellent observation. Although AOC seems to head directly into fantasyland and rushing off topic, while Dan might take a bit longer sometimes. It's hilarious how the bartender thrust into a position of power narrative is used to prop her up, when it's clear that she just ins't particularly intelligent or educated. She is convinced of her own superiority though, also like Dan.

I've had the Fauci thing for a while, and just needed to get it posted or get rid of it. It's, again, hilarious< that these "hood" black folks are telling the "expert" to piss off.

To the degree that it was calculated, the leftist choice to focus their energies on taking over the academy and the arts has paid massive dividends to advancing their worldview. It's clear that the education industrial complex is much more interested in padding district payrolls with useless administrators than in actually educating the students. This is not an anomaly, it seems more common is leftist controlled urban areas, and it seems designed to churn out poorly educated sheep who'll continually vote for the DFL without even considering why.

On a related note, there's a story about the UCLA or USC med school and how many of the black med students are simply unable to perform the duties/responsibilities of med students at their level. Strangely enough, the data (LSAT,MCAT, GPA, etc) would have predicted this very outcome, but the DEI obsessives are determined to force unqualified students into fields where they are likely to fail.

I MOST EMPHATICALLY AM NOT saying that black people cannot be Drs and Lawyers, obviously some can, what I AM saying is that lowering the admissions standards for black students is going to put more black students on a path that will lead to failure rather than a path that will lead to success in other fields.

Marshal Art said...

The lowering of standards in the cause of "equity, inclusion and diversity" is about as dangerously stupid as anything the left conjures...and that's saying something. Lives are at stake when this is done in the field of medicine, the piloting of passenger planes, and other such important fields.

Craig said...

The good news is that most of what we've seen in the med school situation is early enough that they'll either get washed out or held back until they get it. But the ultimate risk is unqualified doctors treating patients. What's worse is the likelihood that any of these marginal docs who do finish med school will end up practicing in low income areas because their won't be much demand for them. Which means that hose who'll likely suffer are those who are already not in a good place.

Again, I can't help but hope that the licensing procedures for these professions will weed out the incompetent.

I think the worst aspect of this is that the DEI imperative is taking people who could be successful in as something other than an MD, and turning them into failures saddled with massive debt and wasted years. From a DEI perspective is a good medical tech somehow less desirable than a failed med student or unqualified doc?