Thursday, May 16, 2024

More Stupid Lies.

 Biden decided to make a highly produced video challenging Trump to a debate.   It's a little jumpy because they needed 6-8 cuts in like 15 seconds.    But Biden is playing 1D chess, he decided to demand all sorts of ridiculous restrictions on the debate, including excluding RFK, thinking that Trump would never agree.   Trump agreed, and now we wait for Biden's excuse to cancel.

Former Biden Economic Advisor still peddling the 9% inflation lie.  How long will they get away with this blatant lie?

Biden makes KJP look really stupid.  

"Breaking News: 170,500 criminal illegal aliens arrested by ICE last year. Out of those, 73,800 had at least 4 Felonies Each 1,713 had Homicide arrests or convictions 33,200 were arrested for Assault 4,390 has Sexual Assault Charges 1,660 Kidnappings 10,061 Robberies 7,520 Weapons Offenses 3,400 are Gang Members This is who Joe Biden let into our country and this is who House Republicans helped Democrats fund for the Fiscal Year 2024."


Marshal Art said...

Gotta make sure I have a good supply of popcorn for the debate. Prolly some John Daniels, too. But imagine if RFK was there! Three guys who talk funny!

On what do you suppose they base this "9%" stuff? That's just too different than the 1.4% so many others insist it was.

I dunno. I think KJP is stupid all on her own. A smart press secretary would be able to spin anything Joe says, no matter how moronic. She isn't equipped.

Of course these immigration arrests do not account for gotaways, and it only accounts for those whose criminal records could be obtained. Not all who act criminally have records.

Craig said...

The debate is going to be a shit show. It'd be more so with RFK and Trump both throwing facts at Biden.

The 9% is made up out of thin air, it's just bullshit. They know that their base is not going to question the claim no matter how outrageous it is. Dan hasn't condemned Biden for these lies even once.

There is a fair degree of stupid, but to think that this question wasn't going to be asked and to not have an answer is a special kind of stupid.

My point with the immigrant criminal stats is that the 73,000 who were arrested for felonies represent over 295,200 total felonies committed. The actual number of crimes committed by JUST this 170,000 has to be well over 350,000 crimes. These people are career criminals who will destroy a much larger number of lives than 1 per immigrant criminal. When you control for the total number of immigrants, the numbers of crimes skyrockets.

Marshal Art said...

A shit show which will make for great television. I wasn't keen on the primary debates. I don't think I'll be able to tear myself away from this one...if it actually happens.

Dan condemns nothing from his side of the divide, despite how much there is to condemn. He freakin' supports the worst of it.

I agree. That's her freakin' job. (I might say "freakin'" one more time.)

There's no defense for allowing this to continue. Only a freakin' (there it is) Kentucky fake Christian progressive would dare do so. Liars like this will pretend opposing open borders is "anti-immigrant/refugee/asylee (pick one)" when it's simply national security and concern for our fellow citizens. When Dan wants to pretend we're in conflict with Scriptural encouragement to welcome "the sojourner", he's perverting Scripture again for his marxist agenda. We welcome all legal immigrants, green card holders, those with legit work permits, exchange students and the like. They are all LEGAL!! They didn't break our laws to enter. The sob anecdotal stories Dan likes to throw around are not present in the vast majority of these interlopers. They're "right" of "self-determination" does not entitle them to ignore our laws and protocols. What's more, they interfere with our own.

Craig said...

It could be good TV, or it could be just a shit show, who knows. It'll probably be good for a few laughs.

Dan, "condemns his side" in the most bland, generic, terms possible while still offering excuse after excuse for why everyone else is worse and their behavior is really just to be expected.

It is, and she's not very good. I have to wonder if all of the competent candidates just wouldn't even consider the job given how much bullshit they'd have to deal with and they were stuck with her.

I agree that the practice of refusing to deport or jail immigrants who commit more serious crimes (than entering illegally) is a disgrace. The increasing number of news stories about an illegal immigrant who commits a serious crime, while out on bail for another serious crime is just nuts. The very notion that a country cannot pick and choose who they allow to immigrate is beyong the pale.

The problem with pretending that everyone who enters the country illegally is simply seeking "asylum", is that it diminishes and demeans those who are legitimately seeking asylum and who should be allowed in. Like so much, the left latches onto a term, then makes that term meaningless.