Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Sheppard v. Maxwell

 Back in 1966, the supreme court heard Sheppard v. Maxwell, a case regarding the states responsibility to provide a fair trial for a man changed with killing his wife.  The court found in favor of the man based on the courts refusal to protect him and the trial from the media.  

It seems as though Biden choosing to hold a "campaign" event outside the court house where Trump is being tried timed for maximum potential influence on the jury is going to add one more issue to the already lengthy grounds for appeal if Trump is convicted.  

The fact that the judge has already announced that the jury doesn't have to be unanimous in picking which "crime" they convince Trump is is similarly problematic. 

The fact that the left seems content to sit silently by and support this miscarriage of justice demonstrates that so much of what they claim to revere, will be abandoned when it benefits them politically.  

This attitude is one more reason why I hope Trump wins.  I have this thing about rooting for the underdog, of supporting those denied justice, and that corruption shouldn't triumph.    

While all corruption is wrong, I watch Biden and his administration with their history of corruption in their roles as public servants and can't help but think that abusing the public trust for self enrichment is just a bit sleazier then corruption in the private sector.


Marshal Art said...


The above article illustrates just how much opposition Biden and his surrogate, Robert DeNiro, got from DeNiro's fellow New Yorkers. It's really amusing, to say the least. Leave it to New Yorkers to say it like it is! "How do yoos guyss REALLY feel?"

Craig said...

This is just one more example of Biden trying to put his finger on the scales of justice when it comes to Trump and conservatives.

It's a disgrace.

My default position is that the incoming president should automatically pardon his predecessor to avoid bullshit like this. Failing that, I'd argue that Trump made a mistake by not pardoning himself and selected others before he left office. It feels slimier than being pardoned by his successor, but it would have avoided this absolute shit show.