Monday, May 13, 2024


 Fareed Zakaria on CNN throws down some inconvenient truth.

One wonders why the Biden administration would stop factoring coffee into the CPI.  Could the fact that it's up 78% have anything to do with the decision?   What, there's no inflation here.  

When liberals like Zakaria and Maher tell you it's time to give up, maybe it really is.

One more example of Biden doing a 180


Marshal Art said...

Last two tweets are the same Maher clip.

Craig said...

Fixed it.

Craig said...

It's pretty amazing that Maher pulled out the Stormy Daniels clip to prove that she lied under oath.

Marshal Art said...

To me it's more curious than amazing. What's his motivation? Is he now a Trump guy, or is he afraid that continued abuses by his side result in a loss of power and influence by Dems? However, they guy he was directing that is one I don't know (the other looked like Douglas Murray), but it seems like he wanted him specifically to respond to the charge. I like that, but am not confident his reasons for doing so are necessarily honorable.

Marshal Art said...

So I just watched the corrected link, and..I sounds to me as if 2006 Joe Biden is saying to wipe out Hamas regardless of the regrettable cost in collateral damage. What else could 2006 Joe mean? (Weird to hear him speak without stuttering.)

Craig said...

I think that Maher is sick of the bullshit that the DFL/APL is resorting to in their attacks on Trump. I think that he is one of the realistic leftists who realizes that someone needs to be the voice of "relative" reason. I think that Maher wants a movement that's based in reality instead of the idiocy we see today.

I definitely don't think he's pro trump, I think he's pro "fairness" and anti lawfare.

I guess his reasons don't matter to me as much as the fact that we're seeing a far left wing public figure say these sorts of things on a national stage.

I think that 2006 Biden is all in favor of wiping out Hamas, they needed to be wiped out then, and more so now.