Monday, June 10, 2024

Do As I Say...


The attitude Chelsea Handler demonstrates in this clip seems representative of a lot of white liberals, including Biden.   The notion that white liberals can tell black voters who they can and can't vote for or that they're not black based on who they vote for seems to go against the entire white liberal narrative.  But, as we see regularly, double standards run rampant among liberals in general and white liberals specifically.  


Marshal Art said...

The truly "privileged" white people are clearly on the left. But it's an assumed privilege and they don't seem truly willing to give it up.

Craig said...

There does seem to be a white, liberal privilege in effect. Had someone even remotely conservative said this (let alone Biden's "You ain't black" quote) they would be pilloried instantly. I don't blame them for not giving it up. Who ever wants to give up that much power. To be able to tell black people how it is acceptable for them to act is a huge amount of power. To be able to get away with living a double standard like this is a pretty sweet deal.