Thursday, June 13, 2024


This is a link to a video clip from Jon Stewart, comedian and late night TV host.   Stewart is extremely and publicly left wing.   Under no possible circumstances would he be considered right wing in any sense.  

A second note, as you watch the video keep in mind that Kathy Griffin posed holding what appeared to be Trump's severed head and didn't get this kind of reaction.

Finally, the "stars" of this video are all "journalists", the type of people that Dan "reveres" and who are always evenhanded and free from bias.   

In short this video should be an SNL sketch, rather than a compilation of news reports about a video that was posted on Truth Social.  

If this is the future of journalism, journalism is in bad shape. 


Marshal Art said...

What gets me is the irony of this guy having the wit to put together this little bit, but he's too stupid whenever I hear him seriously addressing issues of the day. This bit does what great comedy does: it exposes the stupidity of OTHER people, and often people with some degree of power, which absolutely includes members of the media. To a great degree, Stewart is among them, and his leftism is not hidden from many of his other bits. One thinks that with a gentle nudge...or maybe a crisp smack to the face...this guy could awaken and see the error of his ways.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

OH the hypocrisy of the LEFT--It's hysterical!!!! This guy was so on target it's hard to believe he's a LEFTIST!

Craig said...

That's exactly why it works, it makes fun of the stupidity of others. Stewart likely sees himself as above this kind of stupidity and totally misses the irony.

Nonetheless, seeing the journalists Dan "reveres" acting this way just points out how many journalists are left wing sheep who'll stick with a script no matter if it's True of not.

Craig said...


Between him and Maher it's refreshing to see the realization that the left has gone off the deep end. It takes some degree of courage(?) to go against the prevailing narrative on one's side of the aisle.

Marshal Art said...

But it's more likely as you've said, Craig...that they see themselves above it all and are indeed missing the irony. I'm happy to see them seemingly "get it", but I'm not sold that they truly do.

Craig said...

I don't care of they truly do get it, as long as stuff like this keeps showing up. Stewart and Maher have a lot of influence and are a news source for a lot of people. The more doubt these guys sow among the lemmings, the better.

Marshal Art said...

Good point.