Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Feed the Hungry, or Steal the Money Instead


This story combines multiple left wing narratives.  

We've got that COVID overreaction that made it hard for some people to get food.    We've got the immigration aspect as well.

It's going to be fascinating to see how this goes.   There seems to be no question that these scumbags swindled various governments out of tens of millions of dollars, while also depraving those in need of food.  They were literally taking money intended for to feed the poorest people in the area (many of them also immigrants) and stealing it.   Yet, we live in such a progressive paradise that it wouldn't shock me if these scumbags get off with little or no penalty.    At a minimum, they should be deported.   Why should the poor citizens of MN pay for their imprisonment, after they literally took food out of their mouths.  

Shockingly some of those involved in this fraud donated some of their ill gotten gains to various DFL politicians including Ilhan Omar (who did donate what she got to food shelves, eventually), Jacob Frey and others.   


Oh yeah, they just dismissed a juror because "someone" left a bag on their doorstep with $120,000 in cash inside.    


Bizarrely the state of MN gave these scumbags an award for what a great job they were doing in "feeding" thousands of kids per day.

Apparently the defense is arguing that this behavior is so ingrained in the Somali culture that they shouldn't be convicted. 

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