Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 What with the Trump verdict, I guess I understand it, but I'm a little surprised that there not more reaction on the left to what Biden's been doing.

1.  Genocide Joe has (in addition to turning the Ukrainian elite into multimillionaires) equipped Ukraine with the long range missiles to attack civilian targets in Russia.   I thought attacking civilian targets was a horrible thing.  I guess that's only when Israel does it.   It's not a big deal when Hamas, Ukraine, Nigeria, and Sudan kill civilians.

2.   It's being reported that Biden is going to "close the border" via executive action.   That's he's essentially going to employ that Trump border rules.  

3.  Biden also just gave amnesty to 350,000 people who entered the US illegally.

I can see why the left wouldn't say much about #3, but the rest sound like evil stuff that they protest against.  

4.  As with so much on the left, Biden "builds a port" to feed those in Gaza that Hamas is withholding food from, and the whole thing is a total failure.   But he'll still get credit as it it was a success.

Good old "Genocide Joe", always on top of things. 


Dan Trabue said...


Genocide Joe has (in addition to turning the Ukrainian elite into multimillionaires) equipped Ukraine with the long range missiles to attack civilian targets in Russia. I thought attacking civilian targets was a horrible thing.


In effect, Ukraine can now use American-provided weapons, such as rockets and rocket launchers, to shoot down launched Russian missiles heading toward Kharkiv, at troops massing just over the Russian border near the city, or Russian bombers launching bombs toward Ukrainian territory. But the official said Ukraine
cannot use those weapons to hit civilian infrastructure
or launch long-range missiles, such as the Army Tactical Missile System, to hit military targets deep inside Russia.


Yes, it is wrong to target civilians, which appears to be why Biden/the US has specifically said they can't do this. But why let reality get in the way of a good partisan political attack?

The real question isn't, Do progressives and moderates oppose Ukraine, Israel, Hamas, the US, etc having civilian targets... THAT's an easy answer: YES, we oppose civilian targets. Whether it's Hamas, Israel, the US or Ukraine. We're consistent that way.

No, the real question is why are so-called "conservatives" sometimes okay with the targeting of civilians in ANY circumstances?

Dan Trabue said...

Anytime some partisan attack resorts to stupid nicknames (the way that Trump uses them, for instance) like "genocide Joe," that's a signal of bad reasoning. And yes, I do know that some on the left have used that term.

I agree with those who use the term in this much: Biden should have done more/should be doing more to pressure Israel not to target civilians. But it's not like Trump is a more moral alternative. This is one of the reasons that I would rather have a better alternative to Biden, but he's who we have and it's not like he's wholly unfit for office the way his competitor is.

We who oppose the targeting of civilians are consistent. The Trumpistas? Not so much, and they're certainly not a healthy, moral option for civilians... or at least, the wrong civilians.

The same is true for Biden on the border. Not my choice of policies and I think it's dead wrong. But it is the will of the majority of the nation and I'm an outlier on that. You got to fight your battles where you can. But you have to begin with a candidate who is at least marginally fit for office. In our current race, we only have one of those.

You see, I can recognize that people of good faith can have different opinions on policy matters and not need to resort to childish name-calling.

Craig said...

"Yes, it is wrong to target civilians, which appears to be why Biden/the US has specifically said they can't do this. But why let reality get in the way of a good partisan political attack?"

Oh Ok, as long as "Genocide Joe" told them not to that settles it. I bet "Genocide Joe" also told the Ukrainian elite not to take the billions of dollars the US taxpayers borrowed from China and use it to enrich themselves, and we can see how well they obeyed that.

"The real question isn't, Do progressives and moderates oppose Ukraine, Israel, Hamas, the US, etc having civilian targets... THAT's an easy answer: YES, we oppose civilian targets. Whether it's Hamas, Israel, the US or Ukraine. We're consistent that way."

That may or may not be True. The problem is the only time you say anything publicly is when it's Israel trying to root out Hamas.

"No, the real question is why are so-called "conservatives" sometimes okay with the targeting of civilians in ANY circumstances?"

Who said that "conservatives" are Ok with intentionally targeting civilians? Most conservatives I know would argue that as long as Geneva Convention guidelines are followed that collateral damage is a regrettable consequence of war. Most "conservatives" would also say that any government who offers their women, children, and elderly as human sacrifices so the people western liberals will like them despite their vileness deserve whatever they bring upon themselves.