Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Thanks WK



" Contacting specialized GIS [gender identity services] is on the increase and occurs at ever younger ages and with more psychiatric needs. Manifold psychiatric needs persist regardless of medical GR [gender reassignment]."


 "Manifold psychiatric needs persist regardless of medical GR"

The data is seeming to demonstrate that gender surgery is NOT the panacea for mental health issues that everyone claimed that it was.  


Marshal Art said...

You clearly have no concern for the historically oppressed, you transphobe!

Craig said...

I'm just following the data.

Marshal Art said...

Oh sure. The data from religious extremists!

It just never ceases to distress me how the left ignores every fact and truth of science to protect those mentally disturbed people obsessed with their perverse sexual compulsions. I mean...why? Because they're "historically oppressed"? I say again, they're "historically oppressed" in the same way thieves and murderers are...because they're acting in an evil manner. But the progressive jackasses pretend they're innocent angels doing no harm. Clearly...more clearly so than others of the alphabet mafia...there's harm aplenty in defending these people in the way the progressives do.

Craig said...

In this case, the data came from a study in Finland which (like much of Europe) is not a haven for Christian "extremists". Muslim extremists are everywhere pushing up the sexual assault/rape numbers and marrying children, but they aren't driving this. They'd just kill the "Ts" along with the LGBs.

It's ironic that they pro-"trans" folx assured us that giving out surgeries willy nilly that millions of children would be saved from suicide. Yet data seems to be telling us that mutilating children doesn't lower the mental health issues or significantly lower suicide rates.

But hey, data is only important when it's pro-"trans", right?

Marshal Art said...

Again, we see Dan defending those who report falsehoods about these people about whom he pretends to well with compassion. These people are routinely given no professional help to help them cope with their perverse compulsions anymore than "gay" people were. Enabling mentally/emotionally disturbed/delusional/confused people is not compassion at all.

Craig said...

Much like SF passing out free booze to alcoholics doesn't seem to be helpful, enabling people in their delusions doesn't seem helpful. Especially not rushing to mutilate the perfectly functioning bodies of immature children who are likely to grow past their "gender" questioning. It all looks like a combination of a cash grab by greedy doctors, and a bucnh of adults with an agenda using kids for their own gain. It also seems strange that the "trans" enablers are so intent on completely ignoring what's happened in Europe.

I apologize. I do enable Dan in his delusions and his desires to take threads here off topic. In my attempt to not act like him and delete everything that is "off topic" or offensive, I probably extend more grace and engagement than is healthy. I'll try to do better. I've promised him that I'll post his comments unless they are especially vile, and I'll keep that promise. I just need to stop encouraging his off topic excursions and straw men by responding to them.

Marshal Art said...

Refuse a response until he addresses the point directly and to your satisfaction. As you know, he'll even stray from the points of his own post, ultimately deleting or otherwise controlling how one responds to his tangential excursions so as not to resolve the problems of the point of the post brought up by those like me.

Craig said...

I think that's what I'm going to do more often. I'll post his off topic comments, but choose not to enable him by responding to anything off topic. It would definitely be a time saver.