Friday, June 14, 2024

Power Corrupts...


Apparantly Rankin and AOC are unaware of the concept of separation of powers.   That we have three co-equal branches of government and that the legislative branch does not have jurisdiction over SCOTUS.    This seems to be a nakedly partisan attempt (one of many that have been floated) to overturn the power of the executive branch to appoint justices, and the power of the judicial branch to remain independent.   

The legislative branch does have the power to impeach  SCOTUS justices, but clearly wants more power over the court.    This has less to do with anything the court has done in it's duties, and more to do with the current (temporary) ideological tilt of the court.   The push to pack the court during a DFL administration was another example of this.   It's all about control of the agenda and narrative.   

If there are credible allegations that a friend of a justice taking the justice on vacation directly affected a specific decision, then by all means start the impeachment process.   But this witch hunt is out of control and demonstrates what an idiot AOC is. 


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

This court has the lowest ethical standards?!?!?!?! The true lack of ethics are the LEFTIST government officials who do everything to destroy the rule of law so as to remain in power and be in control of everything and everyone.

Craig said...

It would definitely seem to be a significant pot/kettle situation.

Marshal Art said...

My understanding is the that the rich dude who took Thomas and his wife on vacation on their dime is a personal friend. I have a friend (nowhere near as wealthy, but certainly successful) who insists on picking up every tab. We've been friends since high school. If I was an elected official, yet still not as well to do, he'd no doubt continue picking up tabs. Likely, due to our friendship, that would remain the case regardless of whether or not we agreed on any issue on which I ruled or legislated. This whole thing by morons like AOC (and Dick Durbin, too) is nothing but an attack on conservative justices and conservatism in general. At some point one would think these asshats would make some effort to explain why their policies an agenda are worth of public support, rather than engage in all these many and varied attacks on political opponents.

But then, their policies and agenda have no true appeal for most Americans, so lawfare and other abuses of power is all they have.

Craig said...

Likewise I have friends who pick up tabs and the like. As long as this friend isn't trying to buy influence on Thomas rulings, who cares.

It's hilarious how these legislatures who magically rack up millions in net worth on $175,000 per year and get away with insider trading on a massive scale, have decided to impose ethics on SCOTUS.

Marshal Art said...

That's a great point, Craig, and almost unnecessary to mention, except that it needs mentioning for the sake of those who prefer to deal with the speck in the eyes of their political opponents.