Wednesday, January 31, 2018


A whack job, liberal, CNN contributer, decided that it was appropriate to make train wreck jokes about the GOP after an accident where someone died.  These are the same people who made jokes about hunting republicans after Scalise was shot by one of their own.  

Yet Dan only has criticism for those he disagree with.  Not surprised at all.


Craig said...

In yet another example of heartlessness, the DFL caucus wasn’t able to muster up any appreciation for the police officer who adopted the child (in addition to the 4 he already had) of a heroin user. Instead of being praised for this generous act, we got nothing.

Clearly the better course of action would have been to consult with the loving, unbiased salesperson at PP, and just anborted that inconvenient little clump of parasitic cells and everything would have been better for everyone.

I have to wonder how much credibility the DFL is willing to sacrifice on the alter of partisanship.

Marshal Art said...

They have credibility?

Craig said...

Not really.

Craig said...

Steven King also makes an incredibly insensitive comment, then doubles down with a non apology. Classy bunch Dan supports.

Marshal Art said...

But Trump lies five times a day, Craig. That's all that matters.

Craig said...

Dead guy, who cares.

Marshal Art said...


Craig said...

A guy died in the train crash,but the left doesn’t care about that when they can bash the gop.
