Saturday, January 20, 2018


I saw a picture of a sign at one of the women’s rallies that said “Vaginas brought you into this world, vaginas will vote you out”.   This raises a few thoughts.

1.  This is pretty much a classic case of denial of science.
2.  If a vagina is the defining character of a woman, why do people consider Bruce Jenner a woman?
3.  In what way does it empower and elevate women to define them simply as vaginas?

There was one sign I agreed with.   It was about keeping government out of women’s reproductive systems.  I agree.  The government should not be subsidizing abortion or birth control.  Women should control their vaginas, not be defined by them.

I also have to note the fact that the left has shown more interest and concern for the one poem star that allegedly slept with Trump than the several who have committed suicide.


Craig said...

Sorry, it’s now up to 5 dead porn stars. I guess it’s all about empowering women.

Marshal Art said...

Regarding the porn star who, I guess, now is accusing Trump...

It's pretty clear how perverse is the concept of morality to the left, that they would carry on about Trump's character, but have no problem buying into allegations of a woman who whores for a living.

Craig said...

The funny thing is why “this” affair gets them so worked up. They weren’t bothered by Clinton’s affairs, or Kennedy’s. Or affairs in general, but “this” one. It’s s huge problem.

Marshal Art said...

Because they hate Trump so much. While the guy's character was certainly good reason to oppose him as a candidate, that opposition failed and now he's the president. The guy is actually doing a fairly good job and as you can easily see, they spend no time actually debating what he's trying to do and why so much as purposely mischaracterizing it because they have no legitimate argument against it. It's how they roll and is S.O.P. for them as it has been for decades...if not forever.

Marshal Art said...

And he's not Hillary or Bernie. That just drives them nuts that this guy beat out either of theirs. To me that might just be the best thing about him and it almost absolves him of his many character flaws.

Craig said...

Not to excuse Trump’s cheating and moral failings, it’s the culture that the left has given us around sex that has given us this situation, which makes their fixation on one particular affair, while ignoring others and encouraging a culture that accepts cheating as just one more option, so foolish.

I love the fact that after 8 years of “obstruction” complaints, all of a sudden “obstruction” is just fine.

Marshal Art said...

If ever "two-faced" could be appropriately applied, it's perfect for the left. OH, WAIT! I didn't just further the oppression and marginalization of people with two faces, did I?

Craig said...

That’s just insensitive to the bi- facially challenged among us. Unfortunately you just don’t understand how insensitive you are being.

In all seriousness, to define women by their vaginas, while denying the necessity of having one is just bat guano crazy. To ignore the idiocy of that denial is even more nuts.