Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I know

I know we all try to apply Scripture to our lives and to our current situations.  But, if you're going to do that, please don't be stupid about it.   It's especially stupid if you aren't a Christian or if you a Christian who selectively believes scripture.

I just saw the "Jesus was confronted with 5000 migrants and He fed them" meme today and let's be honest, it's just dumb.

First, they weren't migrants in the sense that we use the term in 2019.  They were specifically following Jesus to hear Him teach. 

Second, He fed the crowd once and then He took the left overs with Him.   This is a far cry from what is being talked about in the current immigration debate.

Third, all He did was give them a meal.  He didn't give them anything else.  Not citizenship, free health insurance, not free abortion, not welfare, not food stamps, just one meal.

Fourth, He never once involved the secular government in this.

There are some biblical arguments to be made that support individual believers and churches offering support and help for immigrants and refugees, but none for making government policy based on one put of context Bible story.    For an example of this, see my earlier post about people doing exactly this.

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