Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Abortion Analogies

Some “celebrity” I’ve never heard of decided that the best analogy she could come up with to justify abortion on demand was the landlord/tenant.   That the baby is a tenant and the mother the landlord.

Superficially this seems apt.   Except that she’s arguing that the tenant should be summarily expelled at the whim or for the convenience of the landlord at any time for any (or no) reason.

The problem is that this isn’t how a landlord/tenant relationship works.   In that relationship there are numerous safeguards to prevent the landlord from summarily ejecting the tenant.   We protect the rights of the tenant, we make it difficult for the landlord to capriciously evict a tenant.   Not only that, but we certainly don’t allow the landlord to dismember the tenant.

What’s amusing is the she probably supports the laws that protect tenants.   She would be outraged if she was kicked out of her rental for no reason.

I’m not sure if it’s just a case of stupidity or the lack of good arguments for unrestricted abortion.

FYI, if you feel the need to tell strangers how happy you are, it might be reasonable to conclude that maybe you aren’t that happy.


Stan said...

Yes, I'd certainly think that the biggest breakdown in the parallel between landlord/tenant and abortion is your last one: "we certainly don’t allow the landlord to dismember the tenant." I have stated in the past that I would not oppose abortion if it didn't kill the child. If they, for instance, had a method of moving the unborn baby into a different environment to continue its development while the mother-who-doesn't-want-to-be goes on her merry way, I'd have no complaints. Unfortunately, in talking to women about it, many have said that they would find it unacceptable to intend to terminate a pregnancy and know that the child still lived. It's not just ending the pregnancy or avoiding the responsibility; many just want that kid dead and gone. Unlike the legal landlord/tenant kind of things.

Craig said...

While I agree that the last one is a problem, I think that the disconnect between how these folx would likely advocate for the tenant being protected in a dispute, have no intention of advocating for the baby in the abortion situation.

I agree that being able to relocate the fetus would render abortion less problematic. Unfortunately that would require some significant medical advances and the pro abortion crowd hasn't seemed willing to let medical advances stop them from advocating for fewer restrictions.

AOC just came out with a dog analogy, which got me to thinking that there was a point where the pro aborts advocated against abortion clinics from being required to meet that same standards as vet clinics.