Tuesday, December 3, 2019

No, it’s not a joke.

Someone with a penis and testicles is upset because a gynecologist won’t schedule an appointment for them.    Apparently they think it’s a good idea to get medical treatment from a Dr. that most likely hasn’t had any relevant experience with this person’s genitalia since med school.  

It’s like something trying to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist to have their heart looked at,

Or, it’s just an excuse for a lawsuit.


Marshal Art said...

Well, I certainly hope that should this freak take the case to court, that whomever presides isn't an enabler and will rule harshly against one who brings such a frivolous case before him/her.

Craig said...

It’s in Canada so there’s not much hope of sanity in the courts.

Feodor said...

So, if Craig’s response to the trustworthiness of interpretations of interpretations of interpretations of scripture is that the magic of the Holy Spirit makes it all OK, then I’ll remind you both that that is the way we liberals relate to the Holy Spirit as well: the Holy Spirit has made clear that mixed gender dancing; mixed gender swimming; women wearing pants; card game playing; divorce; and same sex marriage are no longer sins. In this way, through human history, the Holy Spirit, in Craig’s frame of logic, “superintends” our moral growth into more perfect union with god.

BTW, where is Craig’s plan to save human lives by reducing gun violence? No one has seen it. Not one detail whatsoever.

Marshal Art said...

"interpretations of interpretations of interpretations"?

What the hell is he talking about?

"the Holy Spirit has made clear that mixed gender dancing; mixed gender swimming; women wearing pants; card game playing; divorce; and same sex marriage are no longer sins."

Really. How and to whom did the Spirit impart this radical change from Scripture? Conference call? Text? Email? Fax? Carrier pigeon? How do you liberal so-called Christian's confirm the source of these revelations?

Craig said...

Good question. I suspect it starts somewhere other than scripture.

Marshal Art said...

Whatever their answer, it covers most any departure from Biblical teaching they find pleasing. Given time, it will most definitely cover absolutely anything they find personally pleasing.