Wednesday, December 4, 2019

I've been told

I've been told that if I'd just spend more time listening to POC that I'll end up with some sort of undefined benefit.  Now, what I think that that when these folx say POC, they reall mean "POC who agree with me and share my political views".   So what I do is to talk to POC regardless of any preconceived notions about their views on politics or anything else.

Now, in doing so I'm confronted by this excerpt from a blog post by Wintery Knight, quoting Walter E. Williams, neither of whom are white.  Further, they refer to a recent study.  (we know how much certain folx like studies with data).   

If the past repeats itself, I'll be told that these particular POC don't count, are racist, are Uncle Toms, or some other reason why they don't count, yet they represent what appears to be a growing segment of the black population.   (Recent polls show Trump support at 34% among blacks)

So, with that, here we go.

Let’s… turn to a recent article by Heather Mac Donald, who is a senior fellow at the New York-based Manhattan Institute. She is a contributing editor of City Journal, and a New York Times bestselling author. Her most recent article, “A Platform of Urban Decline,” which appeared in Manhattan Institute’s publication Eye On The News, addresses race and crime. She reveals government statistics you’ve never read before.
According to leftist rhetoric, whites pose a severe, if not mortal, threat to blacks. Mac Donald says that may have once been true, but it is no longer so today. To make her case, she uses the latest Bureau of Justice Statistics 2018 survey of criminal victimization. Mac Donald writes: “According to the study, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between blacks and whites last year, including white-on-black and black-on-white attacks. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent. That ratio is becoming more skewed, despite the Democratic claim of Trump-inspired white violence. In 2012-13, blacks committed 85 percent of all interracial victimizations between blacks and whites; whites committed 15 percent. From 2015 to 2018, the total number of white victims and the incidence of white victimization have grown as well.”
There are other stark figures not talked about often. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting for 2018, of the homicide victims for whom race was known, 53.3% were black, 43.8% were white and 2.8% were of other races. In cases where the race of the offender was known, 54.9% were black, 42.4% were white, and 2.7% were of other races.
So, what are the policies proposed to protect blacks from being the victims of crime? Well, there are three.
  1. white liberals want to encourage black women to raise fatherless children by normalizing sex before marriage, and paying black women to have children outside of marriage.
  2. white liberals want to confiscate the weapons that law-abiding blacks use to defend themselves from criminals.
  3. white liberals want to deny blacks school choice, trapping them into failing schools so that they can’t get out of dangerous neighborhoods by rising in education, career and finance.

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

You're spot on with regard to how difficult it is to deal with those who only listen to one side of the issue. The information MacDonald cites is directly in conflict with the ramblings of idiotic former NFL quarterbacks who preach racial hatred for law-enforcement. In ongoing debates with a black co-worker, I must constantly defend against what is largely a preconceived notion, likely taught to many POCs by family or friends, but not supported by the data as this post shows. This preconceived notion leads to a spirit of "resistance" against that which doesn't truly exist...certainly not to the extent the notion purports as true and commonplace. One is combative right from the get-go and law enforcement is faced with that which a given situation doesn't itself provoke. (I recall as a teen during the early 70s the prevailing attitude of cops being "pigs" and "the enemy" and necessarily not to be trusted. This is the same thing.) It is assumed that the cop is acting out of racial animus. The cop is in a lose/lose situation. Does he let the person of color walk to avoid a conflict, or does he do his job and face the "resistance" of the person of color?