1. Poorly expressed sarcasm
2. Poorly expressed, badly understood, well intentioned, questions
3. Poorly expressed, well intentioned serious suggestions
4. Poorly expressed stupid suggestions
I'm sure there are other options, but I think everyone can agree that he, as he is wont to do, expressed himself poorly. (It's reasonable to take issue with "poorly", I won't argue about it)
Also yesterday, the media (professional and social) took Trumps actual words out of context and reported things that were clearly false.
Trump never said that anyone should drink bleach or inject themselves with disinfectant.
This trend by the media has been very noticeable since the feeding frenzy over his Chloroquine comments. They were twisted, turned, and taken out of context, while Cuomo was saying virtually the same things and got a complete pass.
Look, I get it, Trump says dumb things. He says things that aren't necessarily dumb in dumb ways or ways that sound dumb. He says things in ways that open him up to criticism. His vocal inflections don't convey sarcasm well at all. All of these and more are true.
Yet the truth of all of this, doesn't excuse the media (social or otherwise) for twisting and misrepresenting what he actually said (stupid as it might have been), and demonstrating that they are also willing to say stupid things as long as they are attacking Trump.
I guess injections ultra violet light into people’s bodies isn’t a completely crazy idea.
“@SpeakerPelosi: "The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs and Mitch was saying that states should go bankrupt. It's a clear, visible within 24 hours of how the Republicans reject science and reject governance."”
I guess neither CNN nor Pelosi feel compelled to attempt honesty.
“Now we see “inject ourselves with bleach”, I guess that it’s perfectly fine to give one’s imagination free reign as long as it’s making up falsehoods about Trump.
This just reinforces my original point. No matter how poorly Trump communicates or how stupid he might sound, none of that is an excuse for falsehood and stupidity on the part of those who hate Trump.
What’s most interesting about this is that after the initial hubbub we find out that the types of things that Trump is poorly referring to, are actually being done by actual medical personnel. We’ve seen the UV light thing, now I’m seeing Dr’s talk about injecting “disinfectant” into people’s lungs. (Not bleach or Lysol idiots).
The anti Trump idiocy and hatred is actually pushing me toward voting for Trump. Congratulations, we’ll done.
What’s most interesting about this is that after the initial hubbub we find out that the types of things that Trump is poorly referring to, are actually being done by actual medical personnel. We’ve seen the UV light thing, now I’m seeing Dr’s talk about injecting “disinfectant” into people’s lungs. (Not bleach or Lysol idiots).
The anti Trump idiocy and hatred is actually pushing me toward voting for Trump. Congratulations, we’ll done.