Friday, April 24, 2020

You can't quarantine stupid

Yesterday, Trump made some comments at his briefing that fell into one of the following categories.

1.  Poorly expressed sarcasm
2.  Poorly expressed, badly understood, well intentioned,  questions
3.  Poorly expressed, well intentioned serious suggestions
4.  Poorly expressed stupid suggestions

I'm sure there are other options, but I think everyone can agree that he, as he is wont to do, expressed himself poorly.   (It's reasonable to take issue with "poorly", I won't argue about it)

Also yesterday, the media (professional and social) took Trumps actual words out of context and reported things that were clearly false.

Trump never said that anyone should drink bleach or inject themselves with disinfectant.

This trend by the media has been very noticeable since the feeding frenzy over his Chloroquine comments.   They were twisted, turned, and taken out of context, while Cuomo was saying virtually the same things and got a complete pass.

Look, I get it, Trump says dumb things.  He says things that aren't necessarily dumb in dumb ways or ways that sound dumb.  He says things in ways that open him up to criticism.  His vocal inflections don't convey sarcasm well at all.   All of these and more are true.

Yet the truth of all of this, doesn't excuse the media (social or otherwise) for twisting and misrepresenting what he actually said (stupid as it might have been), and demonstrating that they are also willing to say stupid things as long as they are attacking Trump.

I guess injections ultra violet light into people’s bodies isn’t a completely crazy idea.

“@SpeakerPelosi: "The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs and Mitch was saying that states should go bankrupt. It's a clear, visible within 24 hours of how the Republicans reject science and reject governance."”

I guess neither CNN nor Pelosi feel compelled to attempt honesty.

“Now we see “inject ourselves with bleach”, I guess that it’s perfectly fine to give one’s imagination free reign as long as it’s making up falsehoods about Trump.    

This just reinforces my original point.  No matter how poorly Trump communicates or how stupid he might sound, none of that is an excuse for falsehood and stupidity on the part of those who hate Trump.  

What’s most interesting about this is that after the initial hubbub we find out that the types of things that Trump is poorly referring to, are actually being done by actual medical personnel.    We’ve seen the UV light thing, now I’m seeing Dr’s talk about injecting “disinfectant” into people’s lungs.  (Not bleach or Lysol idiots).   

The anti Trump idiocy and hatred is actually pushing me toward voting for Trump.   Congratulations, we’ll done.


Marshal Art said...

Good gosh! The trend has been noticeable since he took office! The butcher EVERYTHING he says...everything they feel is easy to order to demonize him to avoid having to admit the guy ain't as stupid as they want and need him to be. Remember Charlottesville? That's but one other example of that "trend" of the media purposely ignoring the full context of what he says poorly.

I watched the video of him making these statements about UV light and disinfectants. I don't need to know which words are being poorly chosen by this guy. It's the point he's trying to make that is crystal clear to all honest people...not the specific goofy words he uses. But that just wouldn't work for his detractors. All they have is such tactics.

The point he was making was clear. They're thinking out of the box in order to find any and all ways possible to deal with this virus so that we can get our lives back. And when he does what men of action always do...what actual leaders always do...they will pretend they were ahead of the curve and take credit for that which is not their to take. Stolen Valor, if you will, as we've seen with Andrew Cuomo and hydroxychloroquine.

But of course, the mainstream media is NOT the enemy of the people.

Craig said...

You’re making my point. All he needed to say was that they’re trying everything that they can think of, even if it’s unconventional or out of the box.

But as I said, just because Trump doesn’t do a great job expressing himself doesn’t give the media license to twist his words and making stuff up.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The LEFT is always right there with their emotional vomiting.

Craig said...


Although your previous choices and behavior have limited your commenting privileges, when you continue to make comments that make no sense and don't relate to anything, it simply reinforces the wisdom of limiting your priveledges.

Marshal Art said...

True data! He somehow thinks reposting a comment deleted due to its departure from the rules his behavior invited will make the comment more valuable, off-topic or acceptable for posting. But that's what Dan's blog is for.

Craig said...

Feo, I’m not sure why you continue to believe that you have no responsibility for the suspension of your commenting privileges. I’m also not sure why you think that bragging about your “education”, while making negative assumptions about mine, makes you look anything except narcissistic, proud, and arrogant, But, if it helps your self esteem, then I’m glad to let you post incoherent comments that’ll get deleted.

Craig said...


It’s like dealing with a small child who thinks that his opinions are so valuable that they must be heard regardless of the actual interest of those who have his opinions inflicted on them.

Feodor said...

When you say you’ve said everything that needs saying, but then come back twice for this? You’re obsession with me is vastly under using the freedom Christ won for you.

But that is par for the course with you guys.

Marshal Art said...

He's probably the most insecure person I've ever seen. He's the proverbial "legend in his own mind" who doesn't truly believe the legend. Even Dan, who isn't all that much better than feo, has not been subjected to the same restrictions. One would have thought that a genius of feo's would have taken the lesson of that disparity and altered his behavior in order to have what for him passes as intelligent opinion allowed to stand.

But civil discourse, exchange of ideas and a sincere seeking of truth is not what motivates him to post in the first place. Were that the case, he would not have closed his blog nor have used in simply to disparage us personally, rather than express his disagreement with solid fact and an openness to rebuttal without fear.

The most amusing aspect of his petulance is his suggestion that any of us are in any way afraid to take him on. Yet that would necessitate having first brought something of substance to the table, which if he had such substance, there would be no need for the characteristic unChristian behavior, for the substance, were it to be legitimate and true, would do the work for him. How does a person who presumes himself to be intellectually superior to us not see this blatantly obvious reality? It boggles the mind. But then, he's no only not all that, he's not that at all. How very sad and pathetic he is!

Craig said...

I don't disagree with anything you've said. I'd add that it's interesting how he's willing to distort what we've said in order to accuse us of lies or distortions.

It must be strange to live in a world where your own actions are expected to have no consequences, and where everyone else is virtually always wrong (unless they happen to agree with you). This trait is shared by both of them, but they tend to ignore this when it's pointed out.

What is the best is when it's condescendingly pointed out that all of the blathering is intended to "teach" us something. While I'll gladly admit that there are many things I'm still learning, I'm not likely to take "teaching" that is force fed to me by some guy hiding behind a fake internet profile. Especially one who wouldn't know humility if it bit him in the ass.

No, I'll get me education from more reputable folx than this.

Craig said...

The very idea of waiting for "safe" is absurd. Virtually nothing in life is "safe". We see thousands of people die from the flu every year, with (sometimes from) a vaccine. Literally every time we do anything, it's the result of a risk/reward calculation. As someone who owns a business, I'd like to be able to get back to supporting myself instead of relying on the government to support me. I know that's a radical idea, but there are plenty of us who aren't content to hide at home and hope the feds trickle enough cash to us to eke out a subsistence level life.

Remember when we were told that we needed to stay at home to "flatten the curve" so hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed? Well guess what, they're not. Partially because it worked, and mostly because the models were bullshit. So now we've got Drs and nurses, wasting PPE to make Tik Tok videos because they don't have anything to do, and hospitals furloughing staff and losing billions because the target moved from "don't overload the hospitals", to, "wait until it's safe".

Well guess what, we're seeing cancer patients denied diagnostic testing, suicides, and millions of people out of work all because they've bought the lie of "safety".

I'll tell y'all what, it's probably not safe to increase consumption of alcohol or weed, but lord knows people are doing that.

So, drop the "safe" bullshit, and lets figure out a way to get the economy opened back up in a way that balances speed, and responsibility.

Of course we're seeing the DEF folx who are perfectly happy to see the economy keep getting worse because they think it'll elect Biden. To which I say, good luck with that.

Marshal Art said...

I concur.

I do have one question: If they simply shut us all up in our homes as if flipping a switch on the economy to "off", why must it be "phased in" instead of just lifting the ban all at once? This, too, is some appeal to "safe" because apparently we aren't capable of taking cues from this "crisis" and being more conscious of "safe" behaviors. Sure, some will act as if there's no threat. But others will act as if the threat is as severe as it was said to be without actually having been so. The rest of us...probably about 80% of us...will continue to know when to stay home, stay away from others, as well as how to wash our hands and how often. A slow return to "normal" still leaves many businesses and individuals at great financial risk, which is not small concern despite the admonitions of those who are not at such risk. Just let people do what they do as is their God-given right.

Craig said...

According to the CDC we’ve had roughly 35,000 Wuhan virus deaths up to May 1. We also know that the new positive number represents some degree of lag in reporting.

But none of this explains why we need to treat everyplace in the country to the same restrictions that might be best applied to places with high population density and large numbers of cases. Nor does it explain why the goal posts have moved and we have people pushing the fiction that “safe” is achievable.

Craig said...

I’m seeing a lot of folx arguing that nothing matters except clamping a one size fits all lockdown on every town, city, county, and state. Clearly, if we look at the data, it’s ridiculous to ignore differences when formulating plans.

Of course, as we formulate our plans we certainly don’t want to factor in the collateral damage that’s already being caused by these one size fits all restrictions.