Saturday, April 18, 2020

Save Me

I saw a HuffPo headline suggesting that the government should jump in to save the journalism industry.

It seems like people have said for years that it’s the job of journalists to hold government accountable and to act as kind on an ombudsman for the citizenry.

If the government nails out the journalism industry does anyone really expect that the journalism industry won’t rerun the favor down the road.

Of course there’s also the irony of journos expecting the Trump administration to bail them out.


Marshal Art said...

Why would they need a bail out in the first place?

Craig said...

Who knows, lazy and greedy perhaps? Maybe it’s the outlets that suck badly enough that they can’t support themselves anyway.

The why doesn’t matter to me as much as the fiction that they’ll really go after the govt that bails them out, and the hypocrisy of begging Trump to save them.