Monday, April 6, 2020

#NotMeToo, #NoLyingPerverts

"The #Biden1988 presidential campaign ended in 1987 when Joe Biden was outed as a pathological liar & a plagiarist.  In year 2020, why would independentsーthe largest voting blocーelect ANOTHER conman for president?"

I saw the Tweet  quoted above and honestly had forgotten Biden's casual relationship with the Truth.  The article below does a good job outlining some of the problems that go back to when he was in law school.

Now, it's obvious that one of my biggest reasons not to support Trump was his moral failings.  Two in particular.    The first being his lack of any sort of moral compass in his past sex life and the second being his casual relationship with the Truth.

So, when those who decry Trump and his problems with telling the Truth, suggest that Biden is the anecdote I get a little suspicious.  However, when people who decry Trump's lies, also  deny the the existence of Truth, or advance the notion of the existence of millions of Truths it also makes me wonder.   How, if one is intellectually consistent, criticize someone for failing to meet a standard that you don't unequivocally agree exists.

In other Biden campaign news, It appears that Joe has named Tavia Galonski as a "senior advisor".  This is the same Tavia Galonski that wants to refer Trump to the ICC at The Hague for "crimes against humanity".  Although the fact that she appears ignorant about the feasibility of this move and has "no idea" how to go about here plan, raises questions about what her qualifications are to be a "senior advisor" to the Biden campaign.

While on the topic of politicians and Truth.  Is it possible that if a woman accuses and politician of sexual impropriety and the politician denies or ignores those accusations, that her version of events is True while his version of events is also True?


Marshal Art said...

First, as to your final question, I think that both parties may be speaking honestly about their perceptions of the even that led to the accusation. In that case, they are speaking truthfully. But that doesn't make either version of the event true. One version may be true, or at least closer to the truth. But that must be determined by third party observers for any action related to the accusation to take place.

As to lies, I'm still waiting for someone to provide for me a "lie" told by Trump that matters to anything. As before, I maintain that the lies told by the Democrats, progressives, etc., are far more impactful in a negative way than any told by Trump that I've heard so far. Thus, Trump being one who can't be trusted is far less true or even a real thing. I simply am not aware of any lie that compels me to withhold trust in the man as president. That's not to say that he's perfect, nor than his every action will have perfect outcomes. But that's not a trust matter as the accusation implies. That's just imperfection. I can certainly trust that he's out for what's best for America. What more do I need? I can't say that about Dems these days.

Craig said...


I agree with you that two people can believe that what they are saying is True, when it might not be. What I'm asking is, can two people on either side of a sexual assault both be telling two different Truths. As you know, there are now billions of Truths and I'm trying to find out if this is it's possible in a case like this.

I understand your point, and I'm somewhat sympathetic to it. In this case, I'm doing two things. 1, I'm pointing out that Trump's casual telling of lies for no real reason bothered me during the 2016 campaign. 2, pointing out the fact that Biden also has a well documented history of both lying and of inappropriate sexual behavior. You know as well as I that there will be people who vote for Biden because they want to get rid of that "lying pervert" Trump. It's more about hypocrisy than anything else.