Thursday, May 5, 2022


 Although overshadowed by other news, Pfizer "released" the results of their research into the "vaccine" that the federal government touted as the best way to stop the spread of COVID.   Well, after a quick glance of the data, maybe the federal government, CDC, Fauci, Biden,  Trump (to the extent he was aware of these results) and a bunch of other folx need to answer for disinformation on a massive scale.    Good lord, whoever exempted these companies from liability, tried to prevent the distribution of their research, and kept/keeps writing them checks for billions of dollars should probably be run out of office, fired, or impeached. 


Dan Trabue said...

Junk in. Junk out.

Read reliable news sources. More NPR and less Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Craig said...

I was more referring to the effectiveness rate, and the fact that it wasn't tested on regnant women as was claimed.

I've seem multiple reports by other conservative sources that point out that the death numbers aren't as damning as they might appear at first glance.

But hey, you found a left leaning news organization that addressed one aspect of the story. Good job.

Even if you are correct, you're still left defending the decision of the federal government NOT to release this research until compelled to, and even when compelled to they fought to wait much longer to release the data. In what world is hiding data on a "vaccine" that the federal government compelled people to take a good thing? Isn't more access to data better than less?

Marshal Art said...

Dan's not into truth.

Craig said...

Actually Dan is into "many Truths". So many that everyone gets as many as they want.

Marshal Art said...

Good point!