Thursday, May 26, 2022

Random Thought

 Occasionally when I type the word government, I type it incorrectly.    Thankfully the red line under the word tells me that I don't type well and I have to fix my mistake.   The most common way I misspell government is "giverment".     I realize that for some people "giverment" probably accurately describes how the view government.  They believe that the government exists to give them stuff.   They don't understand that the government doesn't actually have the resources to give people anything.   They don;t understand that for the government to give something to them, the government must take (or borrow) from someone else.    Of course, when the government borrows to give people things, they are still taking the money to pay back the loans, they are just taking it from future generations.  

Anyway, that's the random thought for the day.