Monday, May 9, 2022

It seems like...

 It seems like the LGBTQXWZPDQ monolith is showing some cracks.  Although people have been pointing out for a while that many aspects of the alphabet soup coalition are actually not complimentary and we're certainly seeing feminism being eroded by the alphabet soup folx.  

"I feel like if someone just said  "Fine, asshole, I'll get my wedding cake somewhere else" that we'd be in a slightly better place today."


"If someone said they didn't want to sell to me on the basis of my gender, race, sexuality, religion, etc I wouldn't waste my time suing for the right to buy there or whatever.  I'd just buy somewhere else."


"I'll never forgive the LGBT community for allowing the slippery slope argument I grew up hearing from Christian conservatives to actually come true."

@MsBlaireWhite (a "trans woman")

It's almost like the APL took these disparate sub groups, crammed them all together, then hijacked their issues to the point that the members of each group are actually supporting things that aren't in their best interest.  

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