Saturday, August 13, 2022

It's Not Necessarily the Same

I'm hearing some on the right call for dismantling the FBI, and I'll admit that I'm somewhat sympathetic to their position. The FBI has a history, back to Hoover, of engaging in some unsavory things. They also do some things incredibly well. The best example I've heard of what dismantling the FBI might look like is something like what WK outlines at his blog. It would inlcude spinning off the FBI crime lab, national fingerprint database, and the technical support aspects of the FBI. Turn other aspoects over to DNI, The Secret Service, etc. Then block grant money back to the states to take up some of the things that the FBI currently does. I'm seeing plenty of the APL who are trying to equate this "dismantle the FBI" with "defund the police". The problem with that equivalancy is that no one is suggesting that we get rid of the functions of the FBI, more that we dismantle the beuracracy of the FBI to allow the functions to be done more efficently and with less partisan influence. We've seen what happens to crime rates when people take "defund the police" seriously and when individual police officers react to this movement. I guess we'll never see a good false equivanancy go to waste.


Marshal Art said...

I read that piece at its source and am not surprised WK would have noticed it and posted on it. It's a good plan if it can be implemented, which would take Republicans with spine. I missed the false equivalency with the "defund" movement, but not surprised by such a clearly leftist attempt, either.

Dan Trabue said...

"The problem with that equivalancy is that no one is suggesting that we get rid of the functions of the FBI, more that we dismantle the beuracracy of the FBI to allow the functions to be done more efficently and with less partisan influence. "

Sorta missing the point again. Just fyi.

Do you think that black folks and their allies who might say something like "defund the police" mean that they don't want secure neighborhoods? OR is it the case that they just don't want the partisan/racist elements of what is currently associated with the police.

And the FBI? Partisan towards the DEMS?

It is to laugh.

Craig said...

"Do you think that black folks and their allies who might say something like "defund the police" mean that they don't want secure neighborhoods? OR is it the case that they just don't want the partisan/racist elements of what is currently associated with the police."

I think that I've posted plenty of "black folks" who insist that "defund the police" means exactly that. I could, and have, pointed out the multiple surveys done which show that a majority of "black folks" want more police not less police. I could point out the data that shows that cities where the "defund the police" movement has been taken seriously show increases in crime rates. I could point to Minneapolis that literally had a vote where getting rid of the police force was on the ballot. But you've ignored all of those things in favor of trying to offer your assumptions abut what "back folks" want.

FYI, virtually every person in the US would like to see bad cops (no matter what makes them bad) removed.

"And the FBI? Partisan towards the DEMS?"

Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

1. From it's very inception with Hoovers secret files, the FBI has had some element of corruption.
2. The federal bureaucracy as a whole, thanks to public employees unions, leans left.
3. While the actual LE part of the FBI might lean right, agents represent about 13,000 out of 35,000 FBI employees.
4. I'm suggesting that the FBI be pared down to it's core mission, and allowed to focus on what it should be focusing on.

Given the significant leftward bias of Politico, I'm not going to take your link seriously enough to read.

Even if your claim above regarding what "black people" think about "the police" is True, it's irrelevant to this post. This post is about the APL putting forth a false equivalency in comparing the two. You seem to be acting as if I am the one making the false equivalency, not the one pointing out it's falseness.

Craig said...


The theory of the FBI was that it was an independent, organization focused only on law enforcement and above partisanship. The reality is that Hoover was engaged in all sorts of unseemly activities and was very interested in expanding the FBI and accruing more power for himself. The FBI has done lots of good work over the years and it's core functions should be maintained. But like any bureaucracy, the fat needs to be regularly trimmed, and refocusing needs to be done. I think the WK piece pointed out that kidnapping for ransom across state lines, is virtually nonexistent today. Given that an important role of the FBI was in those cases, it seems like it's time to re think the role of the FBI in 2022.

Marshal Art said...

"Do you think that black folks and their allies who might say something like "defund the police" mean that they don't want secure neighborhoods?"

While Craig addressed this well, the bottom line is that it's not "black folks", but the left...regardless of race...who've been calling for defunding the police and again, also as Craig said, there's a huge difference between lefty morons calling for that and what the article seeks to accomplish. The article intends to correct the effects of partisan behavior by those at the top, which isn't even a question. They are indeed agents of the Dem Party regardless of the beliefs and opinions of the rank and file.

Marshal Art said...


Which is why I found the article well reasoned and important to implement assuming we get the right people in office come November. It needs to be done, just as we need to purge "wokeness and diversity" nonsense from our military.

Craig said...


I agree that there are certain aspects of the government that should be focused 100% on effectively fulfilling their roles, regardless of anything else. The military, the intelligence agencies, and the FBI, for starters. I could care less if the APL wants to f up the post office trying to implement whatever is fashionable at the moment, there are alternatives to the PO that we can use.